Whats best dry sump oil pump pro mod 481 X

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by turbo69camaro, Oct 25, 2023.

  1. turbo69camaro

    turbo69camaro Member

    Nov 26, 2007
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    Switching from a 5 stage dry sump system to a bolt on the block style dry sump pump. i am switching because of the mass of lines needed and i am getting some flow restrictions. Going from pump 2 feet of line to filter back to the block with a special fitting that has 2 90's feeding the block. -16 from tank to pump -12 pump to filter -12 feeding the block. the block fitting has two 3/4 holes 12 fitting with two 90's pump puts out 20 GPM 80psi idle 130 on the run psi taken off of the oil filter housing .not sure how much is in the motor .i have the standard .006 main clearance and .006 on rods 60 wt oil. the issue is i will randomly break a rods with rod throw dark and the others not happy. soooo would like to run a standard block mounted cam gear driven dry sump pump .

    what's the best pump ? RCD or system one ? seen story's about all of the oil being in the pan at the end of the run and having to drain the pan into the tank .Is that still a deal ?
  2. Graham Brown

    Graham Brown Member

    Mar 4, 2019
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    This is not a BRAND recommendation but some technical info.
    I've got a lazy blown BBC for bracket racing and I found that it needed so much oil in the pan to support a full run that it was making it into a milkshake so I've now built a belt driven adapter to accommodate a Plueger/RCD hemi two stage pump drawing supply from a ~12 quart tank.
    Yes, you do have some oil left in the pan but it's mostly from head/valley drain back after the engine is shut off. Next start up sucks it up and pumps it back to the tank ...... remember that the scavenge pump is typically a higher volume unit than the lube pump and it operates at next to zero back pressure unlike the lube pump at ~100 psi back pressure so it can replenish faster. Steve even referred to his unit as a DAMP pump.
    Which brand is best is never going to be easy, it's a personal preference much like every other part on the car.
    Good luck.
  3. purplehaze

    purplehaze Member

    May 11, 2009
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    I have a roots blown 481x in an altered and had the same problem went to a dry sump on the block solved all my problems. used a P and P pump . by the way i am looking for a 4.125 481x crank thought you may have a lead on something . Thanks

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