Tigges Talk - Almost There

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by MaineAlkyFan, May 29, 2017.

  1. MaineAlkyFan

    MaineAlkyFan Active Member

    Oct 8, 2006
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    Part 3 of Building a TAFC.

    It's been a long winter, with plenty of day job work for everybody. Mark & Fred have been working on the car in the shop, my contributions have been limited to doing some graphic design for the body decals. We are approaching the 2017 season methodically, rather than rushing in frantically. It looks like our first time out this year will be at the Lebanon Valley Regional at the end of June.

    The old chassis, body & rear were sold, it was a little sad seeing them drive away, the first bits I got to work on as a crewguy. I have lots of memories there, but fresh ones to make as well with the new ride. Of course, home & work life has not stopped, between flowers, mugs, snow & dirt bikes, the structural welding & product design drones on. If this global warming ever ends, (didn't break 50° here in Mechanic Falls this Memorial Day) we will get back to racing!

    Mark & Fred got the easy part done, fitting the engine between the rails, followed by the hard work, the endless wiring & plumbing to make all the systems talk to one another. That and the fine tuning of the body, trimming the header & injector openings to fit, followed by all of the connected linkages like the fuel shut off, loud pedal & support bits. The new McKinney puke tank, cage guards, & associated plumbing were custom mounted. Thanks to Mark for keeping me in the loop with great pictures.

    The car is just about ready to go. The seat needs to be poured, foot stands fabricated and welded on, & some minor upholstery work done. Sometime in the next few weeks, the pushrods & mag will go in and we will make an initial fire-up, entertaining all neighbors within a block or two. The equipment is just about ready as well, the RV, trailer & tow rig are ready to be stocked. Still a lot of work to do but soon enough Team Tigges will be burning methanol again! See ya at the track!

    Captioned pictures of all the fun here:

    Tigges New Car - Round Three

    Chris Saulnier - Team Tigges
    Mechanic Falls, Maine
  2. Billy Anderson

    Billy Anderson New Member

    Sep 7, 2011
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    Thank you for the update! So excited for the Tigges team to be back on track! I will be cheering the team on at the New England Dragway Regional event!

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