Rant/Warning: Impact Racing Helmets - Brownsburg, IN

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by WJ Birmingham, Jun 16, 2008.

  1. WJ Birmingham

    WJ Birmingham New Member

    Oct 1, 2007
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    Ok, here's the story.

    I just received my $700.00 XL Nitro helmet last Saturday from a dealer in NJ that I know. What I paid for it is moot.

    I measured my head 1" above my eyebrow, finding the widest part, which was 24" on the money.

    My helmet arrives, and I can't even get it to 1" above my ears and it's stuck and my head feels like it's about to collapse from the pressure. I'm certain it would tear my ears off if it went down to them.

    I call the dealer and tell him. After a giggle (I laughed too) he says to call Impact and talk to them to see what they want to do.

    I call and talk to some guy at Impact about my helmet, and to my shock, check this out...

    He wants me to send the helmet back to the dealer, to send to the distributor, to send to them. They will then issue me a new helmet, through the distributor, through the dealer, then to me. If that helmet does not fit, I have to send it back to the dealer, to the distributor, to Impact for credit. They will then issue a XXL Champ helmet out, which is the only helmet they have in an XXL (assuming this Nitro is not tagged wrong).


    This is going to take a month or more, not to mention the shipping charges. Does it not make more sense for me to send the helmet directly to them for either replacement, or if it's not tagged wrong, the helmet I need??? They can then handle the paperwork crap without me shipping the helmet all over God's green Earth!!!???

    Nothing is easy... Absolutely nothing. I can't even get what I order in the damn drive through. Why should I expect a high end helmet to be different?

    I'm 4 hours from Impact in Indiana. I'm thinking of driving up there and cracking some skulls.
  2. badbird

    badbird New Member

    Jun 16, 2008
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    I had an Impact Nitro, It was too small like yours, and a pain in the ass, I sold it and got a Simpson...Much Better

    GFORCE New Member

    Jul 27, 2005
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    You want to know How many Times I have heard the SAME Story about the Nitro?Probably NOT!But,almost EVERYONE that has Orderd that Style Helmet?Has had a FIT PROBLEM!!I beleive that that Helmet is Special Order ONLY,in a XXL?There for awhile,there were NO XXL's!
    Hope things work out?
    I ended up with a Champ,and i'm Glad that i went with it!!!
    G :cool:
  4. WJ Birmingham

    WJ Birmingham New Member

    Oct 1, 2007
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    Odd, I even asked the guy at Impact if they made the Nitro in an XXL.

    They told me they didn't even have a mold for it. I offered to come up and model for the mold, but they declined.

    Seems like if this is a repeated issue they'd either do something about it, or at least change the damn measurements on their site.
  5. aj481x

    aj481x Member

    Jan 27, 2004
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  6. vwsamba

    vwsamba Member

    Jun 3, 2006
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    work it in

    same thing here.when i got the XL out the box there was no way it was going on and i laughed in disbelief.after about 10 mins of trying different things it finally just slipped on and was the most comfortable secure feeling helmet ever.i think they just need some working in.its still tough to get on but i love it once its on and that's what matters most...good luck:)
  7. badbird

    badbird New Member

    Jun 16, 2008
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    shure but when i put it on my ass i cant get in my car:)
    when i put the thing on the right end it almost rips my f***ing ears off especialy with ear peices in too, getting on is possible with some pushing and swearing getting the thing off was pure torcher.....glad you like yours i hated mine;)

    GFORCE New Member

    Jul 27, 2005
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    You Guys are putting a Headsock on before,INSTALLING THE BUCKET?Correct?
    G :cool:
  9. badbird

    badbird New Member

    Jun 16, 2008
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    why would you buy a helmet with a built in sock then put a sock on first???
  10. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    Melon heads...

    For those of us with melon heads like myself, the Nitro helmet really isn't the hot ticket. Like mentioned above, they don't make a XXL (xtra melon) in the Nitro style. I could get the XL on, but it hurt the back of my head like hell getting it on or off. I stuck with my Simpson RX8.

    If I get another ride, I might look into an Impact regular helmet with fresh air installed.

    As far as wearing a head sock underneath a helmet with sock installed, when it comes to fire, you can't get enough protection. Just keep in mind you have to go up a few sizes on your normal helmet size to compensate for the sock.
  11. badbird

    badbird New Member

    Jun 16, 2008
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    point taken re fire, but if the helmets too small or is just about wearable and you cant get a bigger lid another sock isnt an option,
    id have tried that to save my ears from being almost ripped from my head but that was never going to happen, its a nice helmet if you have a small head:D
  12. WJ Birmingham

    WJ Birmingham New Member

    Oct 1, 2007
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    Well, unfortunately (?) I don't have a small head.

    Sounds like this one is going back for return. What a shame. Probably the neatest helmet on the market and they're leaving out a huge segment of customers.

    Oh well, their loss. Maybe I'll copy them on this thread after I have my money back.
  13. Dave Koehler

    Dave Koehler Member

    Sep 10, 2004
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    I can't wear that one either.
    I also cannot wear a bandit from Simpson anymore. Had 2 previously.
    Here is my take on it. Somewhere in the 80s Simpson changed the mold so the entry point was smaller than the head band size....by a bunch. I can still wear my old now non sfi Bandits and contrary to popular belief my old head hasn't gotten any bigger.

    When Simpson started impact the same deal happened. I and others have pointed out to both companies the problem and neither one has done a damn thing about it. What is the point of this foolish design? Style, I suspect, by some guy with a new computer program long ago and no thought was given on how to do the ship in the bottle thing with the human head. Just foolish.

    Dave Koehler
  14. WJ Birmingham

    WJ Birmingham New Member

    Oct 1, 2007
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    So the Bandits are also under sized? That was going to be my next choice...either that or the Raider.

    Simpson shows an XL being ~23.6" to ~24.3"

    XXL is ~24.3" to ~25.2"

    Then they show a "Big 8", which I have to assume is ~25.2" and up.

    Do you think an XXL would suffice?
  15. Dave Koehler

    Dave Koehler Member

    Sep 10, 2004
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    I have to look to see what brand I have now but it fits fine and has all the nomex stuff. I forget the brand name but I bought it through Jegs AFTER I gave them the speech about fat heads and made sure I could return or exchange it. No problemo. Much to my surprise this companies charts actually matched up with real life and I kept it.

    What I do every year or so is go over to the Nationals and try stuff on. One of these days I might get surprised. Did that last year. Tried Simpson in the Midway. Gave em the same Fat Head speech. Of course the young guys had no clue on the history. Went to the Impact store down the road. Still no go. Just blank looks.

    Anyway your best bet is Indy for knowing for sure.

    Dave Koehler
  16. WJ Birmingham

    WJ Birmingham New Member

    Oct 1, 2007
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    I'm a germaphobe... Not sticking my head into a helmet that some dirtball with a beer in hand just put his bug ridden head into.
  17. Dave Koehler

    Dave Koehler Member

    Sep 10, 2004
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    I don't think the germ thing is a problem If you can't get your head started in the first place.:D:D Bring a head sock with you.
  18. clint thompson

    Jan 15, 2004
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    Impact Is For Pin Heads

    I was also a victim last year. I ordered my nitro online, measured just like they said and got the xl and like you couldn't even get it started. My brother who has a tiny head also had a hard time although it did fit him after he shoved it on. I too went through the return it and try a champ (at least i bought from impact so no "return trail". the champ was also too small, so they sent me some thinner ear pads and It sorta fit but was so tight I figured I would have a headache in a hurry. I sent it back (freight on me) and ordered a simpson bandit in xxl. fits beautifully, was able to get blue like i wanted and they were able to get it to me in a matter of four days as we were going to pre winternationals test at vegas. I went rounds with them that at least they could change the size. if its a f---ing medium then call it medium and tell those of us with fat heads to go away, we will. I also tried thier gloves, same result, I could get 'em on but the cuffs were way too small to go over my sfi 20 (required ) suit. IT is almost as if they have no clue what they were intended to be used for. I wouldn't buy anything else from impact if it was half price. thier customer service sucked (the guy could care less that i HAD to have a helmet before the next weekend) and he actually laughed at me when the champ helmet didn't work either. said the guy that works with him has a huge head and "it fit him fine". Well obviously I must be smarter than him because I figured out how to make enough money to go racing and he answers the phone at "IMPACT RACING" the only "impact" they made on me was horrible. :mad:
  19. clint thompson

    Jan 15, 2004
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    impact "ps"

    I have no personal experience, but I have heard from 3 different people that thier Impact firesuits are falling apart. Seams coming apart etc. My simpson suit got recertified last year after 5 years of faithful service and has lasted nicely. can't hardly complain about 10 years from a firesuit.
  20. WJ Birmingham

    WJ Birmingham New Member

    Oct 1, 2007
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    Screw it then. The helmet is going back and I'll buy a XXL Raider.

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