Married or A/FD

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by Nitrorunner, Oct 19, 2003.

  1. Nitrorunner

    Nitrorunner New Member

    Oct 11, 2003
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    Hey all, Got new chassis,new kb engine combo. And great help from all of you. Will be running A/FD in 2004. My question is my wife at the start of it all, like my self had her hart and sole in it.
    She is to be a part of this operation. Do you bring and work your wives,or are they better off left home.We have worked together for 20 years and make a great team. What can I tell her to make her want to still be a part of this. This is a tec question.
    Thanks all, keep it straight
  2. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    i could sit here forever and name off all the wives that are a big part of alky teams. gloria reichert and kim thacker are a few examples that post here. i would involve her to whatever extent you and her feel comfortable with. good luck with your new endeavor!
  3. Greg

    Greg New Member

    May 12, 2003
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    As a wife of a TAFC team owner and driver, I feel like I'm as much a part of the team as anyone else. I would be curious in knowing why you are contemplating leaving your wife out of an experience of a lifetime? Are others putting pressure on you to leave her at home? From my experience women are very hard workers and WANT to be a valuable asset to the team. Spend some time with her and teach her how to set the clutch, run the valves or whatever. Believe me it will make your experience much better on the track and at home. Check out our team and see the 4 husband/wife members. Our Team

    Keyla (Greg's Wife)
    If you are ever in division 3, please come over and say hi and ...bring your wife.
  4. Tommy 2 Tone

    Tommy 2 Tone New Member

    Oct 16, 2003
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    I think your Wife, as well as everyone in your immediate family should be involved, if they want to. These things will take every hour you are willing to give them, so if you want to have a close family, then they should be a part of it.

    One work of caution, if your Wife just had her nails done, don't ask her to mix the fuel. You will pay for that one, let me tell you! :eek:
  5. Bob Alberty Jr.

    Jun 7, 2003
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    I think we missed the point,he said " What can I tell her to make her want to still be a part of this"now I just got finished with a divorce so I cant be much help,but my mom doesn't go with dad and I anymore either,and if you can figure out how to get your wife to go,tell me so I can try and use it on mom
  6. Rapid Transit

    Rapid Transit New Member

    May 7, 2003
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    I thought he must be high! LOL :eek:

    Involve Involve Involve, and I don't mean make her a slave.
    Give her a job to do that is important and let her know that it is and is appreciated.
    Don't treat her like a slave or like she is less of a team member than anyone else.
    Other than that it is up to her, but the more informed she is the more she will understand and enjoy the sport.
    Some women just enjoy it more than others. I was always a tomboy and loved cars, motorcycles and motors. I almost always had more "guy" friends than girls.
    ut just remember...Your not always racing and at the track.
    Good luck, maybe she needs to meet some of the wives that go and really enjoy racing.
    (Marty & I have been racing together for almost 20 years)
  7. Frankie

    Frankie Jr. Dragster

    Oct 19, 2003
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    I would recommend involving your wife in the car. While I dont run an alky operation, I just crew on one. When it comes to my SC/ET dragster, my wife is definately hands on. THe car doesnt go down the track without her at the track. She runs the weather station, fuels the car, belts me in and directs me after my burnout. Ask your wife what she feels comfortable doing around the car and if she is willing to learn more once she gets the basics down. I think it makes for a better time at the track when you involve family members.

    ps. Kim, are you going to the Vegas divisonal or Pomona finals with Marty, Id like to say hi if you are.
  8. Nitrorunner

    Nitrorunner New Member

    Oct 11, 2003
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    Was hoping to hear positive feed back as I have. We will be in Div. 2 in 2004. Dont know yet if we will make the start of the season. But with the help and patience given from alot of you, I think we will.
    Thank you. Oh ya, Annette my wife will be the one trying to hide since I wrote this. LOL
  9. Nitrorunner

    Nitrorunner New Member

    Oct 11, 2003
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    Keyla (Greg's Wife)
    In reply to you post.
    I want her to be a part of this ,like she has been in all that we do. But I want to race A/FD.
    I am going to race in A/FD Div: 2
    She has lost interest because the people we first ran into to get us started ,ripped us off, miss lead us on parts. And on and on. So she thinks all racers are crooks. Well at a time so did I.But I kept trying to find real honest and dependable help. Guess what, I did. I told her we started at the bottom, as far as help goes. And we did.
    Well now I feel like I am on the top.With all the great help I have been given. Thanks to you true racers.
    Hope this answers your question Keyla (Gregs Wife)
    Thanks, Ross
  10. Great Googly Moogly

    Great Googly Moogly Super Comp

    May 20, 2003
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    Go ahead leave her out...and see which lasts longer the car or the marriage!
  11. Nitrorunner

    Nitrorunner New Member

    Oct 11, 2003
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    Meaning the car right? I still have my 6 pack challenger from back in high school days. And that was 24+ years ago. And she is long gone. Many moons ago. You alwas keep the car. Hard to find a good ride ya know.LOL

    All kidding aside. Have got great emails on all the duties the wife can do to help out. Just like one of the guys. Arnt wives great. Its team work you know. Bottom line,team work.
  12. Rapid Transit

    Rapid Transit New Member

    May 7, 2003
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    Nitro,that was kinda funny, but Marty has kept me longer than ANY car!!!! lol
    I like to say that I am the orignal crew member, been with him the longest.
    I may not be able to be as involved as I would like, we have 2 kids 16 & 11, so that has been the only thing that has slowed me down at all.
    BTW went to the races the whole time I was pregnant with both, doctor (& Marty) had to tell me to stop working at the track! Kim
  13. Rapid Transit

    Rapid Transit New Member

    May 7, 2003
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    Yep will be at both as far as I know. Come on by and say hi. Kim
  14. kosky racing

    kosky racing Comp Eliminator

    May 11, 2003
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    never have I gone racing without my wife. She has been there evry race for over 40yrs. Can't go without her. Just ask my crew. Mike Kosky
  15. tjenna

    tjenna Top Alcohol

    May 15, 2003
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    If she has a nice "rear", would be very good to use to back up the car after a burn out.
  16. bruce mullins

    bruce mullins Top Dragster

    Aug 2, 2003
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    let her be part? hell i try to talk my wife into driving the funny car!!!

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