Impact SFI-15 and SFI-20 Firesuit Fail SFI Testing

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by Richard Putz, Feb 20, 2009.

  1. Chi Town Brown

    Mar 25, 2005
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    Lets try and keep this in perspective and not add fantasy to the facts.

    As I can see from what has come out (as fact) to the public. The problem is as follows.
    Some (who knows how many) -20 and -15 suits were sent out missing layers. (to thin) The TYPE of materiel is not in question. There are other companies who also produce the "Lighter" suit. Some of those companies are the very ones being endorsed to run to. (And all mentioned are very good companies). But the fact is (as I see it) the material is not the issue. Basically it seems that -15 and -20 suits were made to -5 specs. WHY? ? THAT REMAINS THE REAL QUESTION. Was it on purpose? (to make more $$) or was it an accident? (Employee not trained to read a work order correctly or sales person not trained to fill out a work order correctly and so on). I think (and hope) it's the later of the scenarios. But from that point its up to upper management to act in the correct manner. In this case (I) think they are letting some dumba$$ lawyer dictate how to handle the problem. Bill Simpson had a reputation that could have made him look even BETTER in the racing community had he came out and said "there were some items that went out that were not up to par and we want them all back". Unfortunately I think he may have went down the wrong muddy road with bald tires and may never be able to get back on the paved one.

    But lets try to remember to keep this problem on its proper track and not throw fictitious comments and incorrect information out there. So to say his -5 is junk is not a very reliable nor accurate statement. If it has 2 layers it's a darn good suit.

    It's like a Porno book burning. People will throw the literary books in the fire just to watch the flames.
  2. Dark Design

    Dark Design New Member

    Mar 21, 2009
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    Everyone, You do not have all the facts concerning this Issue. I can not believe that you are ready to Burn Bill at the stake for this. The official word from NHRA just came out on Friday and on the same day Impact released its official statement of a recall as well. Everything before this was RUMOR, leaks from inside SFI and NHRA. Mr. Putz obviously could not wait for all the powers to be to get together and decide what to do. He may have attempted to contact Impact Directly and may have even expressed his concern but i doubt he was just ignored. To say that Bill would purposely build a suit for a better profit margin is absurd. He does not need money.

    As an insider, i also know for a fact, that there are other manufactures that are trying to get the lighter suits, on request of the drivers.

    I urge on behalf of fairness, that SFI and NHRA audit other manufactures NOW!!

    I also urge on behalf of fairness, that SFI look over the Spec again, there are problems with it.

    Example, The thread used in the manufacture of the suit must not melt or drip, if the thread does melt or drip, the article is out of spec. Guess what everyone, any suit that has even a name embroidered on it is probably out of spec.

    Also is the Testing "real to life" or just a simple measurement of how a 7" x 7" layers of fabric perform under a direct flame. At no time does SFI require to see a complete suit before it is certified. Just swatches of fabric.

    Also how many of your friends and family has Bill saved over the years?

    Did you see the Huge national coverage of Tony Pedregon's fire in a impact suit from 2008, the only thing that was burnt was his hand, guess what gloves he was wearing, Ringers! How many other fires happened in 2008?

    Racing is a risky Sport, Impact is only trying to minimize those risks.

    I am humiliated by some of your posts here.

    Insider #3
  3. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    I not only think you only know what you've been told...I think you are only posting what you've been told to post.

    Your first paragraph is so full of sh#t I'm surprised you would post it, but then again the Kool-Aide you are drinking in Indiana probably has a lot of sugar in it, too.

    The only "leaks" around here are from the wagons that have been circled in Indiana.

  4. Don Hudson

    Don Hudson Supa fly

    Sep 22, 2003
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    Make this manditory, Will!!

    If you feel compelled to add to this very serious thread, I would suggest that you use your real name. Any one can hide behind a screen name.
  5. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    So, if I send a 7" x 7" swatch of "Imfarcetanium" to SFI to be tested as my official sample, get my certification and box of SFI labels based on my guarantee to make my products out of said "sample" and then start making suits out of virgin wool and 50% cotton am I still in compliance? You may want to ask the boss.

    Answer me this...You guys keep throwing Tony's name on the wall like you expect it to stick or something. If Tony is so convinced, especially considering the ad in National Dragster that said "NO THANKS NECESSARY, TONY!...tell me who's firesuit Tony is wearing now? And are you saying his burns would have been worse if he wasn't wearing Ringer's gloves?

    I can give you the answer, but I'll let you run back to the bosses office again and ask him.

    As well you should be.
  6. The Leveler

    The Leveler New Member

    Mar 12, 2007
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    he didn't want to put B@ll S&^%*(@. because then we would know he was a coward:eek: Dark Design sounds like impact owner to me:D
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2009
  7. Chi Town Brown

    Mar 25, 2005
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  8. Prospector

    Prospector Member

    Sep 28, 2003
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    you know,, after reading all these posts.. this sounds to me like this is the best course of action. anyone agree?
  9. Dave Germain

    Dave Germain New Member

    Aug 1, 2003
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    I know I have harped on the use of real names on here before. Let me put this in context- if my car catches fire (I) will be driving it. (Dave Germain) will be the guy in the seat, hoping that my safety equipment is up to the task. It won't be "Insider 3" or "Dark Side". I have the testicular fortitude to wear the suit and drive the car- Maybe the guys tossing in their opinion here ought to show the same measure of courage and use their REAL names. If you are going to step up to the plate and run off at the mouth then act like you got a pair and tell us who you are. In my opinion the Impact company stole money from the racers who bought boots, shoes, and suits from them. These guys including me paid money for a particular piece of equipment and didn't get it. Thats as plain and simple as it can be. Dave Germain
  10. Chi Town Brown

    Mar 25, 2005
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    I don't know if stole is the correct word BUT you or anyone that did not get the quality or standard item that YOU PAID FOR then yes you are owed for exactly what it is you purchased. I'm done with this subject until ALL the facts are out and open for everyone to see.

    Dan (Chi Town) Brown
    But everyone already knew that
  11. kosky racing

    kosky racing Comp Eliminator

    May 11, 2003
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    fire suit

    This matter has occured before. I have had two fires. both times my suit was taken and found not to be of specs. The first one was labeled as a 15 but was not.I was burned but not seriously.The suit was replaced by the mfg.with a new one. Another fire happened, and I was not burned bad, but they again (sfi) took my jacket. My suit was illegal because of patches and stiches that were applied when manufactured. My suits were not manuf. by Imapct....The suit was corrected and replaced with a 20, and fortunately we have not had any fires lately. I believe that this can happen to all of the Manufacture's and "slip out the door in error". I don't believe that this situation was done "on purpose". At least they are making it right.

    Still kickin'
    Mike Kosky If you think your suit feels! light get it checked
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2009
  12. marklee

    marklee Blown Alcohol Dirt Drags

    May 21, 2007
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    Screen name

    I agree anyone responding to an issue as SERIOUS as this should have there real name posted on the thread. I would certainly hope that anyone who had something to add to this from either side would do it in a professional & factual-accracy manner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Mark Lee,,
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2009
  13. Dark Design

    Dark Design New Member

    Mar 21, 2009
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    Regarding the post on using real names, no thanks, I reserve the right to privacy.

    Giving out one's real name provides anyone at all with the ability to gather information about oneself. Fear or no fear, I do not feel it necessary to disclose to a bunch of strangers in a forum my career, the high school I attended, where I live, Trust has to be earned. Honesty does not. I can be honest without you knowing my real name.

    What difference does it make what you "call" yourself? It is just a sound, and we are not our names, or our bodies, jobs, families, possessions, or any of that. A name is just a subjective title used to identify a subjective, ever changing expression of consciousness; a consciousness which can actually never be pinned down as anything solid.

    You say we need to stop hiding behind usernames; well I challenge us to stop hiding behind our "real" names. Who are you?

    I have my reasons for remaining anonymous but I can assure you all they are benign.

    I hope that if anyone chooses to judge my honesty, integrity, character, reliability, honor, pride and ethics that they can do so by reading what I write.

    Insider #3
  14. Bruce

    Bruce New Member

    Jul 29, 2008
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    Most of us on here are racers and for the most part know who each other and see each other at the track.
    You realy do not seem to fit that. take your reasons and take a hike.
    The reason most of us are pissed is it was drug out too long and our freinds lifes were on the line - OK Here it is in simple english do you understand!!
    Now that you have me going lets look at this in another way, If Impact was not trying to hide this then they could have came out back in Nov. when the boot thing hit and told everyone hey we may have a problem and they could have come on to many a web site that racers hang out on and they could fixed and corrected every thing in the off season but NO they did not and that's why it OK to tell it just like it is !
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2009
  15. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    No Spin Zone.

    Ok, everyone, set your spin decoders to setting number 20...

    Rumor? Uh, no. It's a fact boots were recalled in Pomona last year. It's a fact the 2008 Impact suits were not legal to run at Pomona this year. That was late Jan. and it's damn near April now. Richard did not post his letter until a few weeks ago. Considering the due dillegence he went through, I'd say he gave yall a fair shake. Sent it back twice last year, then sent it to SFI. He did not post until a few weeks ago. I'd say he waited long enough, to the point where he thought other racers might be put in harms way if nothing was said. Considering his calls went unreturned and Impact did not take him seriously, I would have done the same thing if in his shoes.

    If he wasn't ignored, he would have been called back. That's pretty plain and simple. "He wasn't called back, but he wasn't ignored." Once again the spin machine....

    That's a fair request. Still doesn't change the fact Impact's stuff failed.

    This is a classic diversionary tactic. So now everybody's suits won't pass SFI certification? Let's not forget the Impact suits in question failed this 7"x7" test. So now the SFI specs are no good, and nobody else can pass them, so Impact is no worse than anyone else, right?

    There's no disputing Bill's record and lives saved over the years, until this. They knew there was a problem last year, and instead of taking the bull by the horns, Impact instead has chosen a route of threatening people and being very vague up until this recent decertification. There was a problem and it should have been addressed. I think that would have saved the most face, rather than drag it out and going into full spin mode.

    Obviously he was wearing one of the suits up to specs. Imagine if he had been wearing one of the ones that didn't pass spec? Imagine the national coverage that one would have got.

    Any other legal disclaimers you want to throw in there?

    I'd be humilitated too if I didn't have the balls to post a name.:eek:
  16. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    That's one of the dumbest things I've heard in a while. I think we are all now dumber for reading it. Post a name or don't post here anymore.
  17. Don Hudson

    Don Hudson Supa fly

    Sep 22, 2003
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    Im just a guy that chooses to use my real name so when I make a mistake that I can be held accountable. Im sure you are some PR stroke called in to do damage control.

    Just count me as a former customer.
  18. Jezman

    Jezman Member

    Feb 2, 2009
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    Quote from Bill Simpson (If it really was him)

    "As to my character, I have been around for 51 years and have been involved in homologating many, many safety rules. I have prided myself that under no circumstances would I allow anything to get in the way of what I consider the best."

    Makes you think?
  19. Prospector

    Prospector Member

    Sep 28, 2003
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    take him to the gallows!
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2009
  20. Dark Design

    Dark Design New Member

    Mar 21, 2009
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    I wish you guys would really open your minds a little more. I am not here to defend Impact Racing, Bill Simpson, NHRA or SFI. All I was thinking of was fairness because I believe that the picture is bigger than 1 manufacturer and 1 person. The power lays in your hands not mine. What you purchase is your choice, your opinions are your own, but the truth is something we rarely understand until it presents itself in the future.

    Can we thank SFI for coming up with Minimum standards? Yes

    Can we thank NHRA for adopting the standards and using them with in? Yes

    Can we thank god, no one has been seriously hurt? Yes

    Can we thank Impact for finally issuing a recall? Yes

    Can we search for better ways to protect the drivers? Yes

    In Final, I want to say that I am sorry for not posting my real name; to do so would terminate my employment, but to keep quiet would terminate my spirit.


    D. Wilson

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