How to buzz in a mag

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by alkyholic, May 19, 2004.

  1. alkyholic

    alkyholic Jr. Dragster

    Dec 30, 2003
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    OK, so this is engines 101 but can someone explain how to properly buzz in a mag (Super Mag IV)? I have followed the directions from mallory but I don't think I have it correct. If I wanted 37 degrees of advance what is the proper procedure.

    Thanks in advance
  2. d johnson

    d johnson Top Alcohol

    Jun 18, 2003
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    hi, first of all you need to make sure your degree hub is correct and then you put it on 37 BTDC then you hold your rotor the opposite way the motor turns with your hand hook up the buzz box and turn the mag untile the beeps then you are done, the same gos for 27 28 degrees and so on good luck don johnson
  3. Harry Rydbom

    Harry Rydbom Member

    Dec 12, 2003
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    Hi Adam,
    If you need help give me a call.
    330-673-8200 I live in Kent I`ll come up to
    Harry ;)
  4. john348

    john348 Top Alcohol

    May 29, 2003
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    ok easy on a mallory
    any body have a easy way for a 44 besides that stupid cap and spining the motor
  5. alkyholic

    alkyholic Jr. Dragster

    Dec 30, 2003
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    Thanks guys for the response. Harry, I'm taking the car out for the first time ever @ Norwalk this Friday with the hopes of getting a couple of burnouts and launches under my belt if all goes well. If you're heading up that way stop by and say hello.

    Thanks again everyone...
  6. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    First thing you do with that "stupid cap" is cut the stupid wire that has the clip on the end completely off the cap.

    With the engine off I put the pointer 3.4 degrees further advanced than I want the timing to be. For example if you wanted 30 degrees, set it on 33.4 at the hub. Put the cap on the mag first making sure the rotor is at number one approximately where you like it so your wires aren't all screwed up. Looking through the hole in the cap with a flashlight, line the rotor up with the number one terminal on the cap (rotate the play out of the cap by pushing it clockwise) and set the top edge of the rotor exactly even with the same top edge of the number one terminal in the cap. Tighten down the mag base and you're done.

    Basically, you're setting it on a reference point inside the cap and rotor area that you can repeat with accuracy. If you start your engine and find it's off a degree or two by the way you do it, with the timing set exactly where you want it shut the engine off, remove the distributor cap, put on the timing cap (with the hole in it) and find a way to reference number one terminal with the rotor that you can duplicate. For me, I need the engine 3.4 degrees further advanced and can line up the top leading edges so it looks like one singe line. Very rare that I would ever need to move the mag after setting it that way when I start it and check it with a timimg light.

    I showed DT this and now he's giving me free safety equipment for the rest of my life.
  7. Harry Rydbom

    Harry Rydbom Member

    Dec 12, 2003
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    Adam call me
    330-673-8200 Home
    330-524-8519 Cell
    Harry ;)

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