hans question

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by tranman, Apr 16, 2007.

  1. tranman

    tranman Member

    Apr 14, 2006
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    i know this has probably been up before but where's the best place to get a hans device for a reasonable price? i see simpson is dealing them with a finance plan for 90 days...anywhere better than that?? i thought i was in the clear of not having to purchase one this season (better having one tho) then they threw in any car running over 200 mph must have one. oh well... let me know thanks everyone!
  2. F/C Girl

    F/C Girl New Member

    Feb 9, 2005
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    Taylor Motorsports
  3. hemi altered 378

    hemi altered 378 Blown Altered

    Jul 3, 2004
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  4. clint thompson

    Jan 15, 2004
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    before you buy, ask around and consider your options. I use the R-3 and like it alot. I have never used a HANS, although I have talked to several drivers who have them and don't like them. One driver even borrowed my r3 to try testing yesterday in vegas because he is uncomfortable in the HANS. No recommendations here except to consider your options. You can get the R3 from the manufacturer. just google Safety Solutions and check them out.:rolleyes:
  5. tranman

    tranman Member

    Apr 14, 2006
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    i'd really like to go with the R3 but im affraid our cars (dragsters) would be uncomfortable with the additional padding in the seats. Its a tight fit as is see'n as im not the smallest guy in the world
  6. underby6

    underby6 Active Member

    Sep 28, 2006
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    I just put an R3 in my car (Spitzer TAD), and it is fine. It takes some fine tuning to get it just right, but well worth it. Call Eric at No Limit Race Cars and he can set you up. Their number is 502-957-2200.

  7. kylewurtzel

    kylewurtzel TA/FC

    Feb 8, 2005
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    i bought my r3 from manufacturer safety solutions and a buddy bought his from jegs. jegs price was 150 bucks cheaper due to the racers discount. keep that in mind.
  8. Blown and Injected

    Blown and Injected New Member

    Dec 1, 2006
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    Hans vs. R3

    I bought a Hans,,and traded my Hans for an R3---love the R3,,heard good and bad on both,,talked to a Top Fuel driver ,,he agreed on the R3 and had some good points on it,,,

    Be safe and Gods Speed

  9. tranman

    tranman Member

    Apr 14, 2006
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    thanks for all the good input guys....i got my R3 ordered...they told me nationwide backorder and 3-4 weeks. safety's worth the wait tho
  10. shawn davis

    shawn davis Member

    Feb 27, 2004
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    Hans Heads Up

    Just A Note, I Used A Hans Last Weekend For The First Time... It Was Just As Easy To Use As A Regular Neck Collar. Had No Problem Getting In Or Out The Car With It On.(pro Mod Car) Couldnt Even Tell I Was Wearing It
  11. GaryM

    GaryM New Member

    Apr 26, 2007
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    Guys - the HANS Device is smaller and lighter than the R3, less expensive and proven to work better in unbiased third party testing. HANS is also posting over $100,000.00 in contingency prize money in 12 NHRA classes.

    Clint says he's talked to "several drivers who don't like" the product and I respect his experience, but the other side of that statement is over 30,000 drivers worldwide who do like and use the product.

    The HANS Device is available from over 160 dealers in the USA alone. Here is a link to an interactive map where you can click on your state for a listing of HANS dealers in your area: http://hansdevice.com/s.nl/it.I/id.130/.f?sc=8&category=65 And if you prefer to buy direct from the manufacturer you can purchase on the website www.hansdevice.com or call 888-HANS-999 toll free.

    HANS is also sending a technical rep -Jeff Garvin- to all national races this year to help out with fit and comfort issues. Jeff's job is not sales - he is there for the competitors to get first hand advice and solutions at the strip.

    Safety Solutions sell a good product, but I believe the HANS Device is better at protecting your head and neck and reducing injuries. Make sure you understand how the R3 device pushes you forward in the cockpit and puts your head closer to the roll cage. Note also that Safety Solutions used to promote their original Hutchens device as adequate protection; then turned their efforts to the R3, and are now promoting their Hybrid product to pro racers. In contrast the HANS idea and shape have stood the test of time - it's simple and it really works.

    CAVEAT - I am employed at HANS Performance Products, inventors and worldwide marketers of the HANS Device, but I'm a racer too and have first hand experience with these products. Please feel free to call or email me personally if I can answer any questions, or see Jeff at the strip for advice, or the Simpson trailer or a local dealer to purchase. Thank you for the opportunity to post in this forum.

    Gary Milgrom
    Chief Operating Officer
    HANS Performance Products
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2007
  12. GaryM

    GaryM New Member

    Apr 26, 2007
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    All HANS In Stock

    One last thing - please note that all HANS Device models are in stock and ready for delivery - if you need one tomorrow we can send it to you. We can also ship directly to the track if that helps your schedule. HANS Performance Products is also known for great customer service - if you have any concerns at all just pick up the phone and call me directly. Thank you.

    Gary Milgrom
    Chief Operating Officer
    HANS Performance Products
    770-457-1046 Office
    888-HANS-999 Toll Free
    404-556-0118 Cell
  13. clint thompson

    Jan 15, 2004
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    Great Sales Pitch

    That's A Great Sales Pitch, Maybe We Could Get Someone Who Works For Safety Solutions To Pitch As Well. Sure There Are A Lot More Hans Devices Out There. It Was The First And Has Been Around Longer. Also Has A Lot Of "brand Name" Recognition, Kinda Like Every Facial Tissue Is A "kleenex". Ask Steve Gasparelli, Ron Capps, And Daryl Hitchman Why They Switched After They Already Owned The Hans Device. Point Is I Don't Work For Either Company And I Think You Would Be Wise To Check Around And Get Some Opinions Before You Buy.
  14. mikentracy718fc

    mikentracy718fc New Member

    Jan 5, 2006
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    Ask Clint about size. He is also not the smallest and and has the R3. Both have pro's and con's depending on Type and age of the car. I recommend asking some friends to try both before getting one because of the price. I have a friend with an older dragster that the hans digs into his chest. He tryed my brother inlaws R3 and loved it. So try them both first if possible
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2007
  15. Dennis Taylor

    Dennis Taylor Authorized Merchant

    Sep 3, 2003
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    Mike, if a HANS digs into your chest you have the wrong one! Proper fit is key. A HANS device comes in 4 angles. Still the best and simplest to use. DT.
  16. tranman

    tranman Member

    Apr 14, 2006
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    if i can get the hans for around same price as what i was going to pay for the R3 that'd be great. i really dont want to wait for it (the r3). I found out today the track where we run at is only giving us 2 time trials so i got alot of testing to do before i can have a competitive car. I was supposed to get the R3 for dealer cost (i believe dealer cost) i think it was like $750-800. i definety want the quick release tethers if i get the hans tho. R3 as i understand comes standard on them
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2007
  17. GaryM

    GaryM New Member

    Apr 26, 2007
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    tranman wrote: "if i can get the hans for around same price as what i was going to pay for the R3"

    Current list pricing, all with quick release tethers:

    HANS $930.00
    R3 $995.00
    Hybrid $1095.00

    The price I quote is our standard model, called the Extra Series, which is 1 pound lighter than the R3. We also sell a Professional Series, which uses high modulous carbon fibre and higher performance epoxy to achieve a further weight reduction, for $1200.00

    Regarding tranman's comment of buying a product at dealer cost. I think you buy from a dealer because they add value - they're at the track with advice, or they're in your area for parts and accessories so I want the dealer to make a profit and be there for me in the future. Just my opinion.

    Gary Milgrom
    Chief Operating Officer
    HANS Performance Products
    888-HANS-999 Toll Free
    770-457-1046 Office
    404-556-0118 Cell
  18. tranman

    tranman Member

    Apr 14, 2006
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    im not tryin to screw over the dealer or distributers of either system. Its jus myself, like all others im sure, is lookin for the best deal so they can accually afford to make it to the track after they spend all this cash. Not tryin to tick anyone off or fight up and arguement...jus making a plain ol statement
  19. tranman

    tranman Member

    Apr 14, 2006
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    my next question jus for curiousity purpose...is simpson the only place that has financing available for hans? im sure im not lookin hard enough
  20. GaryM

    GaryM New Member

    Apr 26, 2007
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    As far as I have heard, yes, Simpson is the only one offering financing on safety gear. I know folks who have bought their entire kit from them on the program.

    But maybe that's an opportunity - would financing from HANS Performance Products help you guys buy a head & neck restraint? If it makes it easier for you I will look into this right away.

    We are a small company made up of racers - the people who answer the phone, the people in accounting are all racers! We are open to any suggestion that makes it easier for competitors - please let us know your ideas and opinions. We have an "open door, open telephone" communications policy. Give us a call or post an email, we are here to help.

    Thank you.

    Gary Milgrom
    HANS Performance Products
    888-HANS-999 Toll Free
    404-556-0118 Cell

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