Don't show up

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by Pat McGill, Oct 3, 2006.

  1. Pat McGill

    Pat McGill Member

    May 7, 2003
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    Anyone know why Graham told Brown not to show up at Dinwiddie?;)
  2. bruce mullins

    bruce mullins Top Dragster

    Aug 2, 2003
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    to me, it sounded like nhra was in a fowl mood all afternoon. the pro session started at 11:00 in the morning. after a few pairs of motorcycles it drizzeled and killed things for a while, then the couple pro stock crashes, then a couple of fuel cars had lengthy oil downs. then more rain. when chris made his run it kicked a rod out and oiled a majority of the right lane. by then nhra's blood was already boiling and they took it all out on chris brown. chris hadn't put a drop of oil down all year so i think it was wrong for nhra to do what they did. it took just as long for nhra to clean up after David Baca , and i don't think they told David to stay home.
  3. Pat McGill

    Pat McGill Member

    May 7, 2003
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    I heard a rumor that NHRA was considering pulling his license. Any truth to that rumor?

    Do you feel safe staging alongside him? I've never seen him run, so I'm asking as a true outsider.
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2006
  4. bruce mullins

    bruce mullins Top Dragster

    Aug 2, 2003
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    sure , i'll run him. he hasn't wrecked or tore anything up. are you implying anything here? i didn't see it , but i heard when the rod broke the car made a hard right hand turn and he was quick enuff to correct it and kept it off the wall. c'mon give the guy a break. we have all oiled a lane a time or two, and i seriously doubt anyone did it on purpose.
  5. Pat McGill

    Pat McGill Member

    May 7, 2003
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    Just asking a fellow competitor of his, since I've never seen him run. I heard he had some issues at Hawley's school in the past.
  6. Barry Ferriolo

    Nov 29, 2003
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    I have been a NHRA member and number one supporter for 15 years. THIS WAS NHRA AT IT'S WORST !!! Perhaps a more experienced driver might have reacted differently-maybe not.This knee jerk decision,which took place at the end of the track, was low class and uncalled for. Chris - If you're out there - I want you to know that I pour my heart and soul and whatever money I can get into my car. I'll line it up next to you anyday - anytime.
  7. Johnny Rocket

    Johnny Rocket New Member

    Oct 3, 2006
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    It seems to me your passing on a lot of rumors about Chris Brown. How can you do that if you have never seen him run. Chris is a great person who cares about this sport so much he apoligized to everyone in his race class. "This is not a rumor". About his license, what do you have inside information. "I DOUBT THAT'! Thanks Bruce and Barry for being there for us.
    Proud crew member 3 years Chris Brown-TAFC 137
  8. David Smith

    David Smith Member

    May 7, 2003
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    I felt so helpless standing on the side of the track knowing something was wrong when Chris went to raise the rpms up when he lite the prestage bulb smoke started commming out the right side of the block and I saw drips comming down right where the tire was gonna pass. Chris did a good job straitening the car out after it was headed basically strait for the wall at the hit. At first I thought an oil line vibrated loose but after the car went by I saw alumuim pieces comming out from underneath the car. The car sounded like it was running fine when it went by me so maybe Chris just felt he blew the tires off at the hit and proceeded down the track out of the groove not knowing there was a major problem. Later on in the pits I heard some of the nasty things that were yelled at those guys in the shut down area and it just broke my heart. I really feel bad, these guys were just happy to be a part of eliminations, get a check and knew there chances of getting by Tasca were slim to none. I hope these guys do not give up.

    David Smith

    PS. For what my word is worth I think Chris ia capable of driving one of these cars.
  9. Shadow Warrior

    Shadow Warrior New Member

    Oct 3, 2006
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    Pat McGill?? Never heard of him

    I can't understand how a guy that no one has ever heard of can waste everyone's time bad mouthing a team he states he has never seen.
    I have never seen the name Pat McGill on the side of a dragster.
    Pat, Let me introduce you to the team.
    Owner, Dave Brown - retired Philadelphia Highway Patrol Lieutenant, self made millionare by having the stones to go it alone in real estate.
    Crew Chief, Scott Weney - one of the most well known nice guys in racing and owner of S&W Race Cars.
    Technical Advisor, Bob Newberry former world champ, but shorter in person
    Driver, Chris Brown - All around nice kid who like the rest of us is still perfecting his driving skills of the toughest class in drag racing.
    Crew Mike Touce - Great kid willing to do anything asked of him and doubles as a mountain.
    Crew member, Johnny Rocket - the jury is still out on him, but also has a heart of gold.
    If the rest of his class was there and did not see any malice then you should get off your butt and actually come to a race. Let me know when and I'll buy you a cheese burger and introduce you to what could be the most improved crew in the Northeast Division.
    Or you could just keep lobing hand gerdades under your assumed name.
  10. Pat McGill

    Pat McGill Member

    May 7, 2003
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    First of all, where did I bad-mouth the team?

    Secondly, I wonder why Graham was so quick to pull the plug on Richmond from just one (1) incident? Anyone not involved with the team have an answer?
  11. eli

    eli Banned

    Dec 24, 2005
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    First ,good luck to you in the future Chris,
    second, gram lite is the bigest A$$ hole in drag racing, and i have interviewed all the rest, (pun intended) he HATES alky cars, wants to get rid of all of them, what more can i say. :p
  12. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    I'm not a fan of all Graham's decisions....but one reason why some consider him an asshole is he tell's you exactly what his stance on a situation is, whether you like it or not. He doesn't sugar coat it or tell you what you want to hear.

    When you're basing a major decision on what nhra's stance on a matter is, sometimes it's better to get it that way.

    As far as Chris' situation goes, can't really comment from not being there. The team seems to be a good bunch of guys, and those kinds of conditions are easy to wreck parts.

    Hope the situation clears up.
  13. Pat McGill

    Pat McGill Member

    May 7, 2003
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    Agree with regards to Graham. He is a decent guy who is under the influence of those above him.

    As for the Chris situation, I'm in the same boat as you; didn't see it or any other incident, which is why the questions were asked.
  14. Frankie

    Frankie Jr. Dragster

    Oct 19, 2003
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    Why would you want somebody not involved with the team to comment on this incident. Are you expecting Graham or somebody else from NHRA to get on here and comment about it? I highly doubt thats going to happen. Why even bother speculatng about it if it doesnt involve you?
  15. Pat McGill

    Pat McGill Member

    May 7, 2003
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    An un-biased opinion is necessary; not just for this incident, but anything else that might have forced Graham into the Richmond decision. One would think there must be some underlining issues that aren't widely known.
  16. Dave Germain

    Dave Germain New Member

    Aug 1, 2003
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    Maybe part of this whole tempest in a teapot is the underlying fact that so many of us have this indistinct feeling that we are the bastard children at a baptist wedding? I think if I had heard the NHRA got down on someone I would want to know more about it too. If for no other reason so I could keep it from happening to me. These days I don't feel so secure in my investment out there in the shop. I get scared that my top alcohol funny car could so easily go the way of the pro stock truck. Anytime I hear of a official NHRA decision that is adverse to the top alcohol classes I get increasingly paranoid. This incident and the entry cut-off at Vegas add to my fears. Dave Germain
  17. was R4K

    was R4K Member

    Jun 20, 2003
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    "Agree with regards to Graham. He is a decent guy who is under the influence of those above him."
    Graham is a Vice President- who are all these people above him????
  18. Pat McGill

    Pat McGill Member

    May 7, 2003
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    Thanks, Dave! At least someone got up on the right side of bed these past few days.
  19. Barry Ferriolo

    Nov 29, 2003
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    Pat - Bruce and I have posted our "un-biased opion". We are not part of their team and we do not hide behind an alias. I'm sure Graham is a good guy-just tring to do a job, BUT this should have been handled in a professional manner-AFTER the round was compleated, in their trailer or somewhere else. I bet it would have taken on an entirely different flavor had it been Frank or Bob-or any of the left coast heavy hitters.
  20. Pat McGill

    Pat McGill Member

    May 7, 2003
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    Now, we are getting somewhere. Why was Chris singled out? Does NHRA have something personal against Chris or a member of his team?


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