Danny Townsend??

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by hemi altered 378, Sep 24, 2006.

  1. Tom Cunningham

    Tom Cunningham New Member

    Apr 3, 2006
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    Danny Townsend

    I spoke to Frank Parker today. Danny is doing very well and continues to recover. He attended a graduation party for Frank's daughter Lindsey this past weekend. It doesn't look like he'll be driving a race car again, but is able to drive a passenger car. Danny hasn't returned to work as a millwright at General Motors and it looks like he will retire at some point. He attneds races in Division 3 and will be at the Columbus LODRS later this month.

    Frank has been raising money this year to help Danny get his finances back in line. Many in the Top Alcohol community have been very generous. Some bills were overlooked following the accident and it started a difficult cycle of interest and penalty payments.

    DRAW was wonderful in helping out right away, but is now helping others.

    If you would like to help Danny out, it would be greatly appreciated. You can mail donations to ParkerTech Racing Services 1447 Orban Road Milford, MI 48380.

    We're thankful to have Danny around. He had a great racing career and is still a great guy.

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