Caution if dealing with Don Hurst of Florida

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by Soldierboy0098, Dec 2, 2018.

  1. Soldierboy0098

    Soldierboy0098 Active Member

    Feb 17, 2006
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    So Don shows up here and I show him a pair of brand new black painted Williams valve covers wrapped in a box with 2" of styrafoam on all sides and they are sitting flange to flange so no way to scratch. He buys another part and says he will come back for the covers. Sure enough he comes back in mid Sept and I pull them out of the box again and they are perfect, He asks for some spare studs and nuts so I go in the trailer to get them and I hear a loud metal clang and when I come out of the trailer he says "I know you said these are new but I seen that this one has a scratch on it" sure enough there is a new scratch which he then uses as an excuse to knock me down another $100 on top of the $100 I already took off for him since he wanted other parts but I have no witnesses. He already has the non scratched one bolted to his head and asks if he can pay me half, take the one for mock ups and come back in November when he has the rest of his money. I know better but okay I have a signed paper with terms of the deal. November is nearly over and Don calls and asks if I will be home so I figure at least he is finishing the deal. I Spent all day waiting on him only to text him at 7 pm and find out "he's not coming and he will get back to me" Tried to call several times and left messages with no reply. I Called today and his phone is disconnected.

    This guy is a liar and a piece of work so take great caution if you deal with him.
    Trevor Sherwood

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