Blown Alcohol Dragster's days are numbered...

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by Will Hanna, Jun 7, 2006.

  1. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    It appears that the A/Fuel car is just going to be the "Evolution" of TAD....

    To the teams that are sticking with the B/AD trying to make advances....keep fighting the good fight and best of luck.

    To any teams out there that are holding on to the slim hope of a rule change, it really appears hope is lost. Start making plans without the hope of a rule change...whether that's sticking with it, switching to A/FD, TAFC, or a boat....

    In the eyes of those who hold the strings over TAD, parity will 'never be reached' and it looks like there is 'pretty good parity right now'.

    I know some of the teams out there have stayed in the fight based off the past two year's rules changes. Don't expect any more.

    The lack of a dominant A/Fuel car out west will keep some of the top running BAD's out there in the points. At nationals, Vegas aside, the BAD's competitiveness will be resigned to running the best they can and hoping to catch a break.
  2. nick bell

    nick bell TAFC

    May 12, 2003
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    Damn Will you could have sugar coated it alittle.
  3. John Haley

    John Haley Alcohol Dragster

    May 6, 2003
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    I can see that NHRA IS BLIND and or has an agenda they will not tell us about.
    I called Rob Parks and he acted like nothing was wrong and told me Santos ran 5.20s on a regular basis. So i looked aroud and could only find that he ran 2 in the 5.20s. Why would he tell me LIE like this ?
  4. The Kid

    The Kid New Member

    Sep 14, 2003
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    Mr. Haley

    Since you were talking to ROB PARKS, who knows about as much about Top Alcohol drag racing as my grandma (no disrespect to my grandma), you shouldn't expect a logical response to your concerns.
  5. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    Now that's funny. Tell grandma Hi from us.
  6. alky racer

    alky racer New Member

    Mar 19, 2006
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    John you must not have looked very hard. Redding 2002 three runs in a row 5.27, 5.29,5.29. Dallas 2002 third round 5.29. Pomona 2002 5.29 second round. I know there a few more that I have missed. This is far from a lot of runs but they did run more than two. Probally would of run more of them if they did not quit racing.
  7. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    The sad part is, all those 5.28 and .29's would have been 5.31's if Rick would have bumped in another inch or two. I haven't followed TAD very close (TA/FC kept me too busy) but didn't the minimum weight get raised on the TAD's since then (not the pounds per cube, but the total minimum). I seem to remember Santo's was extremely light. I could be wrong. I know they spent a tremendous amout of money turning those few numbers. And the conditions had to be perfect when those were run.

    Grimes is back and running a very well funded car right now that lacks nothing. Let's keep track of all the '20's they run this year. So
  8. alky racer

    alky racer New Member

    Mar 19, 2006
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    The weight in the last years of santos is the same as it is now. The min weight then 2025 same as now. I do agree 5.20s are not going to be real common, but name one place grimes has run this year in less the 2800'. The number is zero! Best air Norm has seen this year is 2800' Pomona. As I remember they went 5.31 at 270 and change with the rookie driver. Might have been better if he knew how to shallow stage. Lets see what this weekend brings if the weather is good look for some of thoes unheard of 5.20s we all talk about. I know one thing for sure never count out grimes. Last note he tuned David Wells to a 5.27 here in 2004, he knows the track.
  9. Bar's Leaks Clay

    Bar's Leaks Clay Jr. Dragster

    Sep 14, 2005
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    And the debate continues...
  10. LaDon

    LaDon New Member

    Oct 25, 2005
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    The debate does continue and the stupid thing is ppl are saying how many runs the blower cars have run in the twentys with in the last 20 years you can count them all on less than your fingers and toes and if you counted the afuel runs in the twentys or better it would take ppl as in plural. I have to agree with Will really nobody in the powers cares too much. That is too bad also. I also like how ppl always consider round wins. That kills me there because there is more to it than just running well. There is the tree and also parts breakage to change the outcome of a race. Just cause a blower car cut a .010 light to the afuels .100 light on a run but the blower went 5.35 and the afuel went 5.28 and lost doesent count as parity. That was just bad driving so look at it the right way ppl car against car et against et. It still dont add up. Sorry. Oh and by the way I have been working on one of these cars for 5 years now so dont give me the you are just a fan line either.
  11. O.J.D.

    O.J.D. New Member

    Mar 28, 2006
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    I may not know much, but when the 'anouncers' say the injected cars 'STOMP ON THE BLOWN CARS IN GOOD AIR' (and thats a quote) , I think, why even go to chicago with a b/ad setup.

    As I see, it the only chance for the blown combo is to hit every track with high altitude and/or a ton of water in the air, and if you have nitro in the tank, do the opposite. The agument of parity is a waste of key stokes...

    I know Will and the rest of you guys are tri'in your best to get the point across to NHRA, but its getting old even for a newbi. ...this is not the place to rant! to NHRA. ...can we just talk racing... isn't that what this site is about??

    This seams to be the best place on the web to chat about the alcohol class, but all I seem to see is a bunch of bitch'n. I help on a blown team, but I don't say a damn word about it... I just want to race and enjoy what we can

    Will, can we get back to the focus on drag racing here instead of a bitch fest on what's and go'in my way today...
  12. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    we talk about issues in the alcohol classes good and bad.

    frankly, i'm sick of the parity issue myself. i'm just like the frog in the bird's mouth with his hands around it's neck...i'm not one to give up easily.

    this thread is my honest opinion of the situation facing the blown cars.

    sadly, the promotional potential of the b/ad vs. a/fuel deal was never tapped. look at nitrous vs. blower in pro mod.
  13. O.J.D.

    O.J.D. New Member

    Mar 28, 2006
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    I hear what your saying Will and I'm on your side with the issue, but it just seems to take away from your site when this issue takes over most of the threads.

    Its that old thing about "point of diminishing returns", too much of a good thing can leave a bad taste in your mouth.

    All I want is the best for the sport. I think TAD is by far the best class in drag racing. Not to take away from any of you guys running other classes, by all means have a good time and I luv to watch all of it, but TAD just does it for me. All I can tell ya is I have been a programmer on the web since 1997. participated, moderated, and written forums like this for many years, and if they get negative and stay that way, they die. I don't want to see that any more than I want to see TAD die.

    I think if we really want to have any influence with NHRA here, we need to be a little more constructive with our comments. I am not talking about the posts you have made Will, I think you make some great suggestions, but some of the things I have read are not helping. It may help in the long run if it was toned down a bit when the post is just negative. If I was with NHRA, it would be hard for me to want to associate with a negative croud when there is so much money on the line. Maybe if we all work at a real solution, they may be a little more receptive. They are corporate folk we need to remember, and its all about the sponsorship they and we get, so image is everything. Negatives always make the money walk...

    ... was that 2 or 4 cents worth??
  14. Darren Smith

    Darren Smith New Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    That would be Incorrect! When Santo's won 3 of his Championships his car weighed just 1933 lbs! Then NHRA bumped the weight to 2000 with driver, not sure what year that was.
  15. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    the minimum weight for all screw blower cars was bumped to 2025 from 1900 in 2001. santos won his last championship that year in a close battle with mark hentges and jay meyer.

    alky racer = john layfield or alan russell?
  16. dmwells

    dmwells New Member

    May 7, 2003
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    I'll make a little correction when we ran the 20's in joliett it 2003 in elim. we went 5.294, 5.297, 5.329, 5.272 -270.59 mph in the final against Morgan's 5.25 air was between 650 to 950 when we went the 32 is when the air was at 944 the other three averaged 650. With our weather station.

    hope this clears something up Dave
  17. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    let's not forget it's pretty tough with belly pans and helmet shroud to get down to 2025 unless you're about 150-160 lbs
  18. Bob Perkins

    Bob Perkins New Member

    May 27, 2003
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    kick ass

    Hey wheelie willie and lee c

    remember the alamo ?them boys
    from cali dont know yall very well

    :eek: bobby p
  19. Don Hudson

    Don Hudson Supa fly

    Sep 22, 2003
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    Nurse, Nurse, HELP, It just wont stop......

    Oh, I thought I was having a TAD flashback. When I USED to have a TAD
    (which continues to run very well without me-Jerry, Chris you know who you are) I constantly heard this debate about parity and making the class more even, lalalalalalalala. We spent alot of $$$$$$$$ and time to make our car fast, but it wasnt enough, and once you have been to these events and either have won or been a number 1 qualifier, anything less your just wasting your time. and realize that having a Good blown car just isnt good enough. so what do you do? Hope the sanctioning body changes the rules? They did, not enough. Complain and be a weiner, hoping that that will help. Nope, Sorry. You really only have 1(2) choices Change catagories or QUIT!! In our case we chose #1. We still enjoy racing and we would like to have a chance to be a winner at the events we chose to go to. I didnt wanna have to run at 6000ft. or on 115 degree days to have a chance. This is such a great forum to talk and share info or opinions, its a shame the bulk of information is the "Parity" issue. When its really no issue at all.

    Ding, ding, ding .NURSE I need a sponge bath.........
  20. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    Hey Don:

    I found a volunteer if you are interested:

    Note: edited for content.

    Last edited: Jun 9, 2006

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