330' times

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by tafc323, Dec 24, 2005.

  1. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    Randy, it sure looks like that 2nd run was really going somewhere. I am impressed. Without being too nosey what was the 1/8 mile MPHs for both those runs?
  2. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    We guessed it would have been a mid to high 5.53, but since it didn't show up on the scoreboard or time slip...it didn't happen.

    Marc ran 205.54 on the first and 206.20 on the second. It's been 207, but we'd like to see another couple miles per hour. Weak.
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2005
  3. M Tigges

    M Tigges TAFC

    Jun 11, 2003
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    Hey Randy. have you heard of anyone going faster to 330 than 2.44?

    Is Larry going to drive for you next year?
  4. bmoore

    bmoore Member

    Nov 17, 2004
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    Mark, I think Bucky Austin was on the first 5.40 something pass at the Chicago Allstars in the fall of '04. Here are his incrementals, .939, 2.43, 3.61 at 208.91, 4.63, 5.54 at 235.60. He split a pushrod on the 2/3 shift so who knows what he would have run. Route 66 in the fall makes your mouth water don't it?
  5. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    Bucky's run at Chicago in 2004 is the only one quicker to the 330' that I've ever heard of. Why does "stuff" happen only on the good runs? I would have liked to have seen Bucky make it to the finish line on that run. We ran against him second round in eliminations that weekend and he shook the tires.

    Larry bought Bucky's 2004 car before he started driving for me and planned on running it in 2006 with Miner Bros Fontana power. Larry is a great driver who apologizes for anything worse than a .025 light and drives like a machine. The whole Miner family has racing fuel in their blood viens. In getting to know Larry, Fred and the whole group I'm proud to say they have become great friends of mine.

    I have a trailer full of Brad Anderson equipment and would like to continue running it my car. There is so much stuff still to try and so much to learn. Understandably, Larry needs to run the engine program he and his family own which is the Miner Fontana powerplant. Bob Miner has proven that it works in Gasparrelli's car, the Woz', Clint Thompson's and Lawren Jones' car. Larry has a chance to be the "house" car now and I wish him the best of luck. Having the Miner's in my pit taught me a lot about what a winning attitude is and I'm thankful for the opportunity I had to be together with them for almost a year.

    Pete Swayne is going to make a come back in my car for the 2006 season. We are making major changes in the car which is at Dave Uyehara's right now. We hope to make some test runs before Pomona. Even though Pete hasn't been in the car much in the last few years I'm hoping he gets up to speed quickly. He did a good job in the past when he drove, actually winning the 1999 division 7 TA/FC championship, so I know he has it in him to do it.

  6. danny

    danny compet elimin

    Dec 14, 2003
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    europe's fastes run in tmfc

    60 ' 0.94
    330 ' 2.473
    1/8 3.705
    1/8 speed 321.9 km/h
    990 ' 4.733
    1/4 5.666
    1/4 speed 399.3 km/h
    run made in 2003 and top speed ever 404 km/h 251mls/h
  7. bmoore

    bmoore Member

    Nov 17, 2004
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    Hey Randy, was '99 (or was it '98) when you and Pete ran at Mission in May? You sound like you are staying with the Brad stuff, what areas are you looking at for "playing" with in '06?
  8. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    The only time we were in Mission was 1999. Pat Austin blew the body off his car in the finals against us.

    I really don't want to comment on some of the stuff we try. And we've tried some really strange stuff in the last couple years. We got a little off track this year as we struggled a bit, but toward the end of the year we started running pretty strong again. All this shows you how hard it is just to maintain a tune-up.

    We don't use conventional wisedom in running the car and the handfull that know what we are doing think we're nuts. And I really don't like to hear or care to know what so-and-so is doing to go fast or buy a tune-up because my satisfaction is in trying to figure it out for ourselves. I'd rather run like crap while beating my head against the wall trying to figure it out (which we do a lot) than get on the phone crying for help with my checkbook open, but that's just me. Maybe we'd do a lot better and be more consistant if we did. But like Steve Plueger told me long time ago...if you run the same stuff everyone else runs, you'll run the same as everyone else runs. Mark Niver is my hero in that respect. Whenever we happen to run good, I want it to be because we worked hard, not because we gave up.

    For me, the biggest learning experience of my life was the time I spent on the dyno at Fred Mandolini's in 2002. Fred really opened my eyes on a lot of things. He's got to be one of the smartest guys out there. He marches to his own drum and I admire him for that. It was after seeing Fred in action that I decide I need to get my head out and learn all I can about these things too, instead of relying on someone else to hopefully wander through our pit and sprinkle words of wisedom in our direction. And, specifically, not be afraid to try stuff even at the risk of failure. Fred put it all in perspective for me.

    I think about the guys running there own deals who, no matter what the rules changes are, always seem to get right back on top and stay there. Manzo, Payne, Newberry, Bob Miner, etc. These guys set the standard and make you work even harder. The respect I have for these guys is enormous. If we can run anywhere near what these guys do it makes it that much more satisfying as well as fun for me and my guys.

  9. bmoore

    bmoore Member

    Nov 17, 2004
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    Well said Randy. I think the "cookie cutter" tune ups are right for some but what you (and others) are doing is the true spirit of the alcohol class. I still miss the days of small chevies in dragster and such, it really let the creative juices flow.
  10. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    I've been racing *something* since I was 14 and a couple weeks ago I had my 50th. Going to the races is a lot of work and it has to mean something. In the old days it was "my car is faster than yours." For some reason it's become "my money is faster than yours" in just about every class from alky on up. Owners hiring crew chiefs for big bucks and stuff to me isn't what drag racing should be about. And it certainly didn't used to be that way.

    It seems like the innovation is gone and is actually discouraged by the more recent NHRA rules. All the cars are cookie cutter from TF to super comp. Funny car bodies that can't be touched, engine block/heads that can't be changed, can't run this but you gotta run that. The only thing exciting to come along in a while is the Lencodrive. I'll admit I'm actually getting a little bored with it.

    I've been watching the Barrett Jackson Auction on SPEED channel this weekend and for some reason restoring a 1955 Corvette or finding a 1970 Dodge Challenger 426 Hemi car to restore looks like it might be a whole lot of fun to me! I like the detail in that.

  11. bmoore

    bmoore Member

    Nov 17, 2004
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    Yea Randy, I agree with everything you said, but if I know you (like most of us) when you guys lay down a 5.50 something at Pomona it will cure the blahs of winter. And if you get that Hemi challenger you'll just end up taking it to the Fairplex and hangin' in the alky pits anyhow, might just as well race. This might be a subject for another post but where or what do you think is in NHRA's plans for alky?
  12. tafc323

    tafc323 afc

    Dec 2, 2003
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    i would like to thank all that posted so i have a idea what has to be run to 330 and half track to run a number. M Poyser.

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