Chaparral ' gooseneck race trailer

Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by hotrodharlkey, Aug 22, 2013.

  1. hotrodharlkey

    hotrodharlkey New Member

    Jan 19, 2009
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    have a 74 Chaparral 38' gooseneck race trailer;;need to take to highway patrol to have vin no# inseption done before can get plates on it;;can someone tell me where vin no# on trailer is at?has lot of paint on trailer so need to know where to remove paint at so they can verfie title vin matches trailer vin;;
  2. secondwindracing

    secondwindracing top alcohol

    Feb 10, 2004
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    almost always on the hitch toung or in your case the steel out of the trailer to the goose neck..if you don't find any stamp them on yourself.dave
  3. TADHemiracer

    TADHemiracer Member

    Dec 9, 2010
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    VIN Stamping

    I suppose that you received the correct title from the guy you bought the trailer from. If that title has a VIN number, you might sand the paint from an area on the tongue, close to the frame and stamp that number on it and repaint the area. If all you received from the seller was a Bill Of Sale, there may be other issues. I have built several "homemade" trailers and the DOT issued me a number to stamp on the neck. The DPS checks the numbers, lights and brakes, etc and signs off on it. I have it inspected at the local inspection shop and apply for title and plates.
    Good luck. The DOT seems to make hurdles we all have to jump through.
  4. hotrodharlkey

    hotrodharlkey New Member

    Jan 19, 2009
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    I got trailer from Brendon Murry;;got title and all other papers needed for CA.I'M sure everything is good;;he is a very honest person to deal with...I'M in NV. and they make things at DMV almost inmpossible to do things legal;;thinking strongly on just stamping no#s on it but if they know exactly where factory no#s are stamped on trailer and they see mine and also factory stamped no$s then i'm a gonner;;big fine and locked up and trailer inpanded..not good;;really feel much better if knowed where factory stamped vin so i can clean that area off and then all is good;;;yes on home made trailers;;much easy;they do same thing here..check see if trailer has all correct located lights//brakes/breat a-way switch and they issure a vin and stamp it then cover stamped vin win stick on vin over top of stamped vin that can't be removed without destroying it;;if they see it destroyed or tamper with they inpond trailer till you can prove vin no#s hasn't been changed;;
  5. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    Back in the good 'ol days I had an '81 Chap and if I remember correctly the VIN was on the curb side of the 5th wheel hitch facing out. It was a metal tag.

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