Whipple back in racing

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by Whipple Charged, Dec 26, 2008.

  1. youngtuner

    youngtuner Member

    Mar 24, 2004
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    what is the projected overdrive limit look like for this unit same as the 206D??? What is the projected boost? and power consumption to spin it?? ANy idea when we might see some Info and data?
    Just a curious mind
  2. jeffj

    jeffj Member

    Mar 8, 2008
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    Buyer Beware

    Nice effort to try to cover but it does not wash.
    I can't say that I know but $50K to do a spin test sounds bogus. Autorotor in Sweden was still certing after you and when some people tried that route your operation prevented it re your distributorship. Why not be honest and admit that you were using that as a stick to get what you wanted from NHRA. Also the $50K would have been recovered in fees for recerting 100 units w/o parts and would have at least supported your racers; AND AUTOROTOR WAS RECERTING IN EUROPE, they could have been recerted there.
    How can you afford to design, build AND SPIN TEST a new unit with no sales/no revenue? Your excuses are just that; you left the racers in the lurch and I simply want to be sure that anyone considering any new product from your company is forewarned as to how you have behaved in the past. The best prediction of future behaviour is past behaviour.
    Jeff Johnsen
  3. jim phillips

    jim phillips ta/fc

    Apr 29, 2007
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    send me one i will run and test it on the car hell some one should give me something to try please you can be the first (lol)
  4. Whipple Charged

    Whipple Charged New Member

    Dec 26, 2008
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    Thats actually not true. Autorotor could not certify them without our approval. They had a few stickers that we supplied them when we were certifying them. NHRA tried to go around us and get them to certify them, but because we owned the rights and tooling, they could not. The main employee at that time works for us now and I again verified, this is not true. Some NHRA/SFI reps went to Sweden to try and arrange this without us, but as we had said before, we need to be the ones that need to recertify. What was really bad is that they were not going to have to spin test, but we were.

    Our customer service was excellent, as was our support for the racer. Art Whipple did everything he could, after all, he was a drag racer for 10+ years. Someone had a complaint, we handled it. Heck, we even bought a customer a PSI to run in Austraila so they could show the boost of each SC to prove to ANDRA that the blower overdrives did not compute. Because our hand was forced and our recert ability was taken away does not mean we were bad to the racers. 100 recerts @ 500 would've not covered the $50,000 expense since we had overhead and employee's. I'm not saying it was impossible, but there were far more issues at stake. There was very little policing of the rules, many bent them, which changed our entire business. Then nothing was done for multiple years to rectify anything. It got to a point that you couldn't give away a SC, not that they were bad, but once the momentum swung, it was over.

    Also, the blowers were never worthless after. Even today, you can still sale one in a few days, so its not like there some paper weight or something.

    As for paying now. Were a supercharger mfg., we use to sale 200-300 small and big SC's a year (when we were racing), now we sale thousands. We went from 4-6 employee's to 35 employee's. We have engineers, rotor profile and SC design experts on staff. Our revenue is a bit different than 10 years ago.

  5. Whipple Charged

    Whipple Charged New Member

    Dec 26, 2008
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    I think we need to build 2 "community" superchargers for everyone to share :D
  6. konrodz

    konrodz Member

    May 10, 2006
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    Dustin, please check your P/M.
    Thank You.
  7. William Payne

    William Payne New Member

    Jul 19, 2008
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    Ok silly question time from me a guy who knows crap all about Screw blowers . What exactly do you have to do in a spin test for it to cost $50,000 , and why don't you guys make Roots Blower as well?
  8. Whipple Charged

    Whipple Charged New Member

    Dec 26, 2008
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    You have to spin test the supercharger at 25% higher than maximum engine rpm for 2 minutes constant. You need a very large electric motor or a decent internal combustion engine to test, video, document and test it. It has to be a room that is bullet proof, with a ballastic box over it (for safety). At the time, it was a difficult process, and had to be done at SRM, which wanted to be paid for there time.

    Now, it's a bit easier to accomplish, but 10-15 years ago, it was a real pain.

    Were building a 1471 :)

  9. Gary Mangiafico

    Jul 31, 2003
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    Please look at your PM.


    Gary Mangiafico
  10. Bob Perkins

    Bob Perkins New Member

    May 27, 2003
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    desert spin

    thats a story for another day:eek::eek:::I changed my mind send me two
    one for TAD and one for TAFC .HELL we need to try something and that something is not worrying about how high MR REICHART has his fridgeadare cranked up,or the color of MR CONWAYS blankets covering his engine and ect,we need something to make us hall ass so if somebodys working on it i say let us have it ,let them have there 100% and lets race...Cody said that i should never have said this on here because we will never get treated fair atPSI again:confused::confused::maybe they will let psi sell us there new blower ?i bet roger would love to sell 100 c blowers or GIZMOS or whatever else they might have thought up in the last 10 years.so like i say cody puts 4 or 5 hours a nite trying to catch up to the champ so anything we can try we will,here is my number dustin or roger or anyone else that can help us get from here 5.36 to 5.18 without nitro.1.800.638-4221

  11. Darren Smith

    Darren Smith New Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    Dustin, are your Blower's as Heavy as they used to be? I was told those Old cases were like 120 lbs?
  12. youngtuner

    youngtuner Member

    Mar 24, 2004
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    A PSI weighs 100 lbs so i wouldnt be surprised if it weighed atleast that.
  13. JP

    JP Member

    Oct 8, 2005
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    Our kobelco 1471 aluminum case, long snout, aluminum pulleys . mag manifold witha 3/8 setback plate and complete fuel system including flow meter weights 175 pds. Our old whipple setup with built in injector and complete fuel system and manifold weighted 196.

    But I woldn,t mind carrying the extra weight!
  14. Woodchip

    Woodchip Top Alcohol Dragster

    Aug 27, 2004
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    tad 183

    I know a tad racer who had to make a decision between a psi and a Whipple, he got the Whipple, When the Whipple's couldn't be certified that was the last straw for him. He quit racing.
  15. Danny Humphreys

    Aug 4, 2003
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    I have spoken with a few people that have run both and the consensus is they preferred the whipple because it was easier on the bearings becasue you didn't have to drive the blower so hard.
  16. Whipple Charged

    Whipple Charged New Member

    Dec 26, 2008
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    Yes, there is no question that the Whipple A980 took nearly 1/2 the blower speed to get similar airflow so it was a lot easier on belts, typically was easier on the crank hub, didn't go through burst panels as much and didn't need the burst panel tube out the side of the FC's. But the PSI was 30lbs lighter (than our A and 40 less than our R) and was slightly lower profile then our R (radial) version. Our A (axial) version was actually lower profile.

    There's just no way to make a blower that is physically bigger weigh less. We've certainly trimmed the fat, but there's still plenty of meat on those bones! :) Were working on a patent for something new that may help as well, but it won't be ready in time for this season.

  17. Whipple Charged

    Whipple Charged New Member

    Dec 26, 2008
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    They're lighter, old ones were close to 130 but they're still heavier than the PSI.

  18. Whipple Charged

    Whipple Charged New Member

    Dec 26, 2008
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    Well its gonna take a pretty decent power jump, one thing is for sure, a bigger supercharger takes less HP to operate at the same airflow levels as the smaller ones. Screw compressors, when passing 12,000-16,000 female rotor (race blowers run the male rotor) speed really start dropping off on performance, which then requires a significantly more power to operate. PSI @ 2.25 over, 10,000rpm is turning the female rotor 15,000rpm and the male rotor 22,500 (1.5 ratio). Whipple A980 at 1.6 ratio x 10,000rpm is turning the female rotor 12,000 and male rotor 16,000. The A980 was always spun tested to 1.7 over but NHRA held the RPM to 1.6. Blowers don't just "stall" or "die", but there's a point of diminishing returns. So a bigger SC really shines in this area. So there's certainly some power there, but one will still need to increase the boost levels to make more power. Gotta burn more air and fuel :D

    If NHRA would allow something superior, that would be great, but that will be up to them. We have no worries about the C blower vs. the D, its certainly better, but it's because the displacement was increased with a different profile. Turn this at the same speed and you get more airflow (all things being equal).

    We would love to help you get into the teens!
  19. Judd Racing

    Judd Racing New Member

    Jun 9, 2008
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    Whipple Charged,

    Are you going to recert the old blowers that are still out there now?
  20. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    Just talking out loud here.

    If NHRA won't allow the PSI Gizmo (C blower) which already exists and is being run everywhere but at an NHRA track near you...and is said to be better than the D, why would they allow any other manufacturer to come in with what they feel is a better blower? The limits were put in place to stop the blower wars which, in turn, controls cost.

    If the C is better I think NHRA should allow it, IMHO.

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