Funny Happenings in Funny Car

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by jakedawgwhite88, Sep 7, 2009.

  1. sportsman fan

    sportsman fan New Member

    Apr 9, 2005
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    Cheating 101

    IMO and who am I to second guess, but I would have put a BAD blower belt on and let it come off or break somewhere down the track. It may have cost a few parts $$ but it would have been less obvious than having a bad reaction time and turning right out of the groove.
    Even Ray Charles can see that it was a thrown race. Than the bad sportsmanship at the end of the track by John. I guess being "CALLED" on the fact as to what really happened must have gotten to him. Looks like he flipped out.
    I am not saying that he shouldn't have thrown the race but don't tell us John that you didn't. It insults our intelligence. You should have done it in a parts failure manor. It could have been more believable.
    Even Tony P. took out Cruz at an earlier race this year (Brainard I think)and he could have taken a dive to give Cruz the points he needed. He raced ALL OUT as he should have.
    Just my 2 cents worth.

  2. Ron Evans

    Ron Evans New Member

    Jul 23, 2009
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    Stevie Wonder could see that one coming, folks!!!!:rolleyes:
  3. rick macedo racing

    rick macedo racing New Member

    Dec 12, 2006
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    I did notice that Height and Ashley both had no unusual looks or concern,maybe like it was planned,and John did keep saying he is paid to win,and he did answer everything with the sponsors pay good money,he didnt do his usual you have to earn the right to be here speach.
    On another note It was Ashleys first US NAT win and Height didnt seem to broken up about loosing almost like that was planned also.
    When KB won the TF title he did state if Blain Johnson had not passed away he probable would have done it,and he did sum it up kind of like a hollow victory,and his awards speach the following year was different.
    Wonder if they are feeling like a hollow victory.
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2009
  4. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    two years ago...

    I seem to remember a lot of people giving Morgan grief for knocking Melanie out of the Countdown.

    I seem to remember DSR a couple years back with either Scelzi or Bazemore make a 'questionable' lane choice call in the heat of a points race to possibly 'help' a team car's cause.

    It stinks, but that's the reality of 'team' racing. I just think they could have put on a better show.

    Let's not forget they put themselves in position to 'rig' the race by winning other rounds and having 3 cars in the semifinals.

    As Troy said, this whole deal stinks. It's sad it takes something like this to make SportsCenter and ESPN News....
  5. Bill Sweeney

    Bill Sweeney Jr. Dragster

    Jul 6, 2004
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    Some of you that suggest a "parts failure" as a better smoke screen watched too many episodes of Mannix and Starsky & Hutch as a kid. How do you possibly plan for when even a pre-damaged part is going to fail, or who could be hurt by doing it on purpose.

    That's just a horrible idea.

    And he has to stick to that story or NHRA will be forced to take action against him and Robert. Likely be a whole chapter dedicated to this situation in his autobiography years from now.
  6. ch3no2

    ch3no2 New Member

    Oct 29, 2003
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    It was also funny how John acted as if he wanted to get at Tony. Everytime there was no one between them he just ran his pie hole but everytime someone got between them he pushed them away like he was trying to get to Tony to whip his ass. What a pussy. Anyone who's ever been in a real fight knows this was just grandstanding on his part, he didn't really want to fight Tony cuz he was probably scared he might get his ass whipped. But he kept trying to get at him when someone was holding him back and never when he had a clear shot at him. What a joke. In my eyes force came off looking like a cheat and a pussy.
  7. Ghost - Kevin

    Ghost - Kevin Member

    Sep 21, 2003
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    simple solution

    All NHRA has to do it say one simple thing in the rule book (it's really already there, but it needs to be stated more clearly for these cases)

    "After the first round of competition NHRA reserves the right to re-bracket any race where a clear conflict of interest would prevent a clear competitive race"

    Tony races Robert.....Father races Daughter...everyone gets to see a great race.

    Lane choice is decided by the average of qualifying time and round times to that point

    Problem solved....

    ...and wouldn't it have been fun to see Al Hoffman at the big end with Force lipping of like that....:D

  8. Ron C

    Ron C Jr. Dragster

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Who's to say that Cruz didn't throw the race for Tony? He's the one chasing the championship.

    I say it's a done deal and move on. Anyone that's raced for any length of time has more than likely felt like they've been wronged at one time or another.
    And if you continue racing it will probably happen again. So it's our choice to sit on the couch and whine....or put it behind you.....I'm still racing.

    Blessings........Ron Clevenger.
  9. Dale Finch

    Dale Finch Member

    Dec 29, 2004
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    I think Clint makes some good points.

    I am a racing addict (recovering not so well) and am disappointed how much negativity comes through racers who love this sport. I do understand though and I am really starting to be concerned how rules appear to be ignored visibly in the PRO categories.

    Rules simply appears to be changed at will (look at the latest points announcement). I think John Force has done tons for this sport but the pendulum always swings. DSR has been held accountable to a much higher degree than JFR in my personal opinion. It should be NHRA leading the charge when these situations arise. Light is right there when the PRO's run so he should be able to see someone out of the groove. Everyone else can......

    The sanctioning body must protect the integrity of the sport for the paying fans. Sponsors must be assured of a level playing field for their racer. If they don't feel good about, it they will go to the Monster Jam or some other circus. NHRA is not supposed to be a circus.

    The rule is there for a reason. As racers we need to be concerned about the overall product otherwise we are all in trouble. As someone who has done a lot of marketing, I see stuff that could help the customers and racers all the time. I wish our class was a brand like the Busch series.....then it would be so healthy.

    Tony and John going at each other over this will not be well received like a NASCAR driver spinning out another and getting into a dust up. Not the same sport. These are two team owners not just drivers like in other motorsports.

    Where is NHRA on this???

    that is my humble 2 cents worth.
  10. James D

    James D New Member

    Mar 2, 2005
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  11. Randy G.

    Randy G. Top Alcohol

    Jun 9, 2003
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    I'm sure glad Manzo doesn't have a 4 car team.
  12. Ron C

    Ron C Jr. Dragster

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Randy, your worst nightmare might be coming true if Al-Anabi is funding Manzo in the future.

  13. nitrodude

    nitrodude Nostalgia Top Fuel

    Nov 27, 2007
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    "then tells Robert not to go until he sees green " and that he, (Force), will go even later so there is no chance for a red light for Robert.

    Yeah , like the manipulative red light that Wilkerson got last year so that Cruz would win the the champ'ship for Advance Auto Parts , a possible upcoming MAJOR SPONSOR for nhra

    Wilk is still trying to figure how the hell he went red !!!
    But in his best interest all of a sudden decided to clam up about it !!

    Not the "first mysterious" red light I've seen in Not Happy Race Applications

    No doubt Force "knows" about the red lite button

    But then Force was confident they had a clear path , whatever they came up with to get Robert in .
    Why do you think they didn't waste any time making it look good ?

    You probably think that Tasca's loss to John was honest too !!
    not even close to a race !!

    You think Force has only FOUR cars in the field ? TRY SIX !!!
  14. rick macedo racing

    rick macedo racing New Member

    Dec 12, 2006
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    After looking at it for a while to make it seem on the level he should have take the good lane and smacked the wall,he would have gotten his airtime and given Robert the win,and with his record noone would have looked twice
  15. JP

    JP Member

    Oct 8, 2005
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    Did anybody see the crying brothers proposal

    I personaly liked the force response ie take Robert Out BUT put MAtt HAgan in.

    That way Force will be mad, Schumaker will be in the spot and the pedregons will still be crying foul..:D All of it will make F/C a true war field:p
  16. mbaker3

    mbaker3 New Member

    Dec 30, 2007
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    I don't doubt it a bit that John Force called it in the pits that he would lose that particular race. That call "helped" put his entire team into the count-down.

    JFR is one of the lucky ones that because of their many years of previous performance, has been able to put their cars in the top 10 over and over, throughout the racing seasons!

    OK! ........... don't blame the team for being good. Are they good because they have lots" of money? YEP!, But why do they have lots of money? Because they have been good!

    The Pedregon bro.'s and most every other team have made the same type of decisions in the past. It may not have been the most popular decision, but win or lose, it was made to help the team!

    It's my humble opinion, but I am sticking to it!:D
  17. Rodney O. Trower

    Rodney O. Trower New Member

    Mar 15, 2008
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    In the days of pro moto-cross you just held up a sign in front of god and everybody, and told the teamates/ryder's what to do like, "last lap let Brock pass", and nobody cared.
  18. whosyrdady

    whosyrdady Super Comp

    Sep 22, 2004
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    The Countdown

    If it wasnt for the countdown this would all be trivial. Let the points at the end of the season speak for themselves. Maybe we shouldnt crown a champion. Just go out and win races. The cars that arent in the countdown arent going to stop trying to win races just because they cant win the Championship. Their sponsor will be just as happy to see them win even if there isnt a chance for the championship. Hope this makes sense Im just rambling. Looks Like NHRA Drama at its best. Kevin
  19. AFC357

    AFC357 New Member

    Nov 19, 2007
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    Thats what you get when they try to implement a points system similar to the Drivers are acting like Nascar dummies:eek: Not good for the sport
  20. eli

    eli Banned

    Dec 24, 2005
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    I don't get it, why is this guy sponsoring INFIDELS, or do they have to become Muslims? :eek::rolleyes:

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