
Discussion in 'PSI Superchargers Tech Questions' started by badbird, Jul 17, 2009.

  1. badbird

    badbird New Member

    Jun 16, 2008
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    Any opinions on what is the absolute best 14/71 HH Roots type blower,
    and with billet cases being legal for us next year the pros and cons of these and who makes the best ones

    thanks in advance
  2. underby6

    underby6 Active Member

    Sep 28, 2006
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    I'd say PSI 14-71, we ran their 8 and loved have a screw and complaints.

    Brandon Booher
    NHRA TAD #323
  3. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    The absolutely best is the DMPE M5 blower or even the M4 version. Next is probably the Littlefield with the K-11 rotors or the Kobeloco K-11.
  4. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    from there it all depends on who modifies it, who has the trick plate, etc.
  5. Relentless


    Apr 25, 2007
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    Definetly agree with who modifies it, our K9 makes between 42-44lbs every run and has made as high as 48lbs. This has every avaliable mod there is done by DMPE.

    Out of interest, does anyone have a photo of an M5 top and bottom opening ?
    would like to know what its like to maybe make our own
  6. badbird

    badbird New Member

    Jun 16, 2008
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    Thats what im asking who has the tricks, and who is developing billet case blowers,
    I know the M5 is great I had one
    I presently have an ERD spec mag case PSI roots,
    Im just wondering where the next load of money will have to be spent now billet cases are allowed,

    Im not big on boost nos as boost is just available air the engine isnt efficiant enough to use, I want to know where the big horsepower is coming from
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2009
  7. JRB

    JRB Guest

    Depends on your budget? And what class and what rules you are running.

    You can get Darrens M5, which is a modular unit that can have upper and lower plates swapped out to suit your application and OD limitations.

    Or you can get ahold of Chuck Ford, Les Davenport or Mike Janis and have them massage them as needed. You said you have one of Carls now, is it not up to par with what you want or what?

    If you really had a ton of money to blow, you could get in contact with Al Billes. He`s got the best stuff IMO. Results speak for themselves. Commisso has been 5.85 @ 247 at 20% over. But it isnt cheap!

    There are plenty of routes to go. And as far as billet, why are you so intent on going billet?
  8. badbird

    badbird New Member

    Jun 16, 2008
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    If billet has an advantage?? it will naturally come that other guys in the class will go that route, after that its not gonna be a thing you have a choice in,
    Yes Carl's PSI is realy good i sold a M5 to get it, but nothing is forever,
    way i see it it wouldnt have been outlawed for so long if it wasnt an advantage, Its not intent its facing facts, performance hinges on blower development
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2009
  9. Mike Canter

    Mike Canter Top Dragster
    Staff Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    Somebody correct me if I am wrong here. The reason for the billet cases are that the machining tolerances are just not up to spec on the mass produced cases in a lot of blowers so the contact of the rotor tips to the case is not even from one end of the rotor to the other. I do believe that is one of the advantages of the DMPE M4 and M5 blowers from the start that they are built to tolerance and don't need another billet case.
  10. DQUES

    DQUES Member

    May 20, 2004
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    Al Billes seems to really work magic with the Kobelcos seeing as his cars run as good or better than the billet case ones do . Problem is he won't sell you one of his modified blowers , only those that buy into his engine program seem to get them .
  11. badbird

    badbird New Member

    Jun 16, 2008
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    This is exactly what i wanted to know,
    The M5 i had was an early K11 based unit The later ones have custom cases and rotors,
    any one had these on a dyno and seen what the difference between the old and newer blowers is?

  12. john348

    john348 Top Alcohol

    May 29, 2003
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    I know for fact the newer ones take a lot more $$$ out of your billfold
    than the older ones did :D:D
  13. JRB

    JRB Guest

    Billet cases are just another way for blower manufacturers to make a dime. IMO.

    Darren's M5 is built to spec, not machined down from a stock K11 case. There's a huge difference. They really are stronger than a standard case, but as long as you take care of your stuff, you wont have issues with the K11 cases.

    Like stated above, Look at Billes. I know he has an M5 cased blower on Troxel's car, but Ray has a K11 case and so does Roger.

    But hey, If you think a billet case is best for you, go for it. I just think its not worth it. Personally
  14. DMPE

    DMPE Member

    Sep 22, 2006
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    Our goal with the M5 is to offer the best performing roots supercharger on the market in the stock form. While supplying the names in the sport a format which to base there in house development from and give them the ability of shorter time between dyno testing with our modular design.

    The M5 started with the idea of merging the Kobelco (everyone knows my Kobelco history) into the present day M5. However Kobelco rejected all engineering we provided. Kobelco decided it did not want to put any funding into the supercharger dept.
    The first M5's used the Kobelco casting and K11 Rotors and gears, and other Kobe misc parts. However today’s M5 uses all DMPE designed parts from Case patterns to rotor profiles. Tip to tail the unit is DMPE.

    Billet Cases:
    Billet cases are no new deal. SCS was ahead of the times back in the day. Today’s castings and heat treat processes give the casting the strength to do the job. The quality of the job is still a product of the end machining. A poorly bored billet case will not out perform a perfect cast case. It is one of the reasons of the old adage “I bought three and only one is good”. This and rotor location with respect to the bore are the important topics.
    I have not seen a performance advantage myself in the billet case, and I will sell you one if you want one.
    The fuel boys probably would see the most out of a billet case at best because of belt load due to snout length. Just remember that a casting does not have the yield strength of Billet. So if the casting couldn’t do the job it would show you and NHRA would tell you to stop trying after enough failures.

  15. blowntrifive

    blowntrifive Member

    Mar 16, 2008
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    Darren how would you say the M-5 stacks up against a kobelco K-11 that has been worked from your some of your competitors? Janis,or Critchely, etc. Also not to get off the subject but, are you making the BBC mag front mag drives in different cam heights? thanks.
  16. DMPE

    DMPE Member

    Sep 22, 2006
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    The M4 and M5 both out perform the Kobelco in both the stock and modified state in all of our testing. I designed the superman in 1996, and Kobelco has not changed it since (less rotor profile) and is the reason for the need of the modifications to make it competitive per class need.
    We can all agree AJPE sells a great product, yet many port and or modify in the attempt to make them better. However I don’t think AJ would consider those that modify and or try to improve as his competitors as he is a manufacturer. Nor has he spent time testing his products against every possible head porter in the field. Yet again it’s a damn nice piece and one of the top choices in the cylinder head market.

    Enjoy your day

  17. crdafoe

    crdafoe Member

    Oct 8, 2005
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    Thanks Darren for taking the time to come on here and explain product details to us "little guys". I for one greatly appreciate it.

    Chris Dafoe
  18. DMPE

    DMPE Member

    Sep 22, 2006
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    You are welcome, and once again everyboby thank you for the kind words. Speaking for everyone at DMPE we are fortunate to have jobs we love and it is expecially nice to hear positive feedback from all of you. It makes it impossible to complain about the long hours or worked weekends and missed hollidays. (hoping my wife reads this!! LOL)
    ---I sent her home to England for Christmass and i was going to show up for christmass day with the family, sept i never made it cause i had to finish a project i promised a customer. I have been warned that will never happen again!

    enjoy your day

  19. Marty Palbykin

    Marty Palbykin New Member

    Jul 2, 2007
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    Why is your support so bad....
    I tried to buy 2 new complete superchargers from you.
    I left several email's and voice mail but no responce so I assume you support is the same. So I now run the PSI and so far support has been great...

    Your supercharger might be great but if there is no support is is worthless.

    I guess if you are in the click you are able to get the special deal........

    May be some that beg for your stuff but not me..

    Marty P
  20. DMPE

    DMPE Member

    Sep 22, 2006
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    While i am sorry for your claims of poor service, we have two guys that work the phones every day. Jon and Brian. Both are very good at there jobs but are human. There are so many possibilities for your missed return call. However, PSI makes a nice product and im sure they realise that we cant make everybody happy all of the time. That is why it is good there are options and compitition in the industry. And of course i wish you luck with your new PSI.



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