Letter from Jim Collins regarding breather tube lines

Discussion in 'Pit Buzz' started by Will Hanna, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    Here's what Jim Collins told me when I asked him to clarify the breather tube rules.

    I believe that most of the TAD and TAFC cars were using 1-1/4" ID hoses on
    1-1/8" ID tubes in 2009. The size of the hose and tube did not change between
    the 2009 and 2010 requirement.

    Two issues drove this rules improvement. First NHRA had no criteria for
    the hoses and second NHRA wanted the rule to be basically the same in TAD, TAFC,
    TF, and FC. In 2009 there were a few-to-several hoses, primarily on BAD cars,
    that resembled swimming pool hoses; constructed of very light, very week plastic
    type materials. Some of these failed/ruptured because of pressure during
    internal engine failure incidents and others were cut into by burst panel

    If we see a hose that is suspect
    we will request that the competitor show us how it complies with the
    requirement. I believe that the vast majority of hoses in use during 2009 are

    Some more additional words in the new TAD and TAFC rule may be more of an
    issue. They are highlighted below. I do not believe many cars incorporated
    this feature in 2009. I have had several calls on this from competitors and

    Go to nhra.com; then to the competition block, then to the NHRA accepted
    products list, pg 81 for the hose list. If some one has a hose they would like
    to have added to the list they can send a sample along with the manufacturer's
    name and item number and where it be purchased to the NHRA Tech Department

    The 2010 requirement: "NHRA-accepted catch can/vent tube system mandatory.
    Twiston/quick-disconnect fittings between the vent tube hoses and the valve
    cover vent tube adapters must incorporate a secondary locking device such as a
    hasp pin, ball lock pin, etc. Tape is not a satisfactory primary or secondary
    locking device. Double clamps are required on each end of all hoses used in the
    vent system, including the dry-sump vents. Double O rings required at each
    breather hose to valve cover attachment. Minimum 1 1/4-inch inside diameter
    hoses are required from each valve cover to the catch can inlets and/or frame
    rails and from each frame rail outlet to both catch can inlets. Minimum catch
    can(s) capacity is 6.75 gallons. Catch cans must have adequate internal
    baffling. Minimum catch can inlet configuration is two 1 1/8-inch inside
    diameter (or equivalent area) tubes. Minimum catch can outlet/discharge
    configuration is two 1 1/8-inch inside diameter openings (or equivalent area).
    NHRA accepted vent tubes/hoses are mandatory for all connections; see NHRA.com
    for a list of accepted vent tubes/hoses. Vent tubes must be unobstructed from
    the interior of the valve cover to the interior of the catch can; i.e., no
    orifices, reduced areas, filler materials, etc. Pan/crankcase vacuum systems, of
    any description, are prohibited. See General Regulations 1:13."
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2010
  2. Will Hanna

    Will Hanna We put the 'inside' in Top Alcohol
    Staff Member

    May 6, 2003
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    Note that the 6.75 gallon capacity is for TAD. The rulebook says TAFC must have 1 gallon capacity below the baffle.
  3. Cdn526

    Cdn526 Member

    Dec 12, 2006
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    valve cover hole

    Am I to understand, by the above wording (hoses must be unobstructed from inside the valve cover...), that the hole in the valve cover has to be the equivelant of a 1 1/8" ID tube?
  4. clint thompson

    Jan 15, 2004
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    valve cover

    Just read the words and don't read anything into it. It says must be "unobstructed" it doesn't specify the hole size in the cover. make the hole as big as the hole in the breather that bolts on and that is as big as it gets. the only size specs are for the hoses, the tube attachment on the frame (for a funnycar) and the inlets / outlets of the puke tank.
  5. nitrohawk

    nitrohawk New Member

    Dec 28, 2003
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    Since most TAD's run wet sump oil systems holding around 3 gallons of oil how do you think they came up with 6.75 gallons for the catch can???? Thats more than twice the amount of oil in the pan.
  6. aafa434

    aafa434 Fuelish Habit

    Aug 11, 2009
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    New puke system rules

    In light of what I see below, I will bet that about 3/4 of all blown, injected cars out there don't meet these requirements. The 6.75 gallon puke tank spec is enough to cover those numbers for sure. I personally would fail on three points, single clamp at the valve cover breather connection (even though this clamp is fully contained by the breather casting), 3 1/2 gallon puke tank and only one o-ring on the hose end that connects to the valve cover breather casting.

    Next thing you know they are going to want you to submit your puke tank for ultrasound or x-ray testing for internal baffle counts and heights!

    While I would agree that there are a few instances where these faulty or inadequate breather systems have caused a problem, NHRA is stunningly consistent with it's legacy of overkill when faced with an issue. This looks like another one of those NHRA knee-jerk, late on Friday afternoon, decisions that we all will have to spend lots of bucks to comply with. I shouldn't say "we" since I quit paying my membership dues to these overbearing asses many years ago. Now I'm much happier running with the likes of the Outlaw Fuel Altered Association and similar organizations that are still considered racer friendly and don't have a pin-point focus on only the revenue stream.

    I truly feel sorry for you guys that are in a situation where you have to deal with this organization all the time. I know there are a lot of good things about racing NHRA events, but there is damn sure a lot of baggage that goes along with that ride. It's like hauling a load of rocks that you just can't get a reading on at the scales, but you know it's there.

    The 2010 requirement: "NHRA-accepted catch can/vent tube system mandatory. Twiston/quick-disconnect fittings between the vent tube hoses and the valve cover vent tube adapters must incorporate a secondary locking device such as a hasp pin, ball lock pin, etc. Tape is not a satisfactory primary or secondary locking device.

    Double clamps are required on each end of all hoses used in the vent system, including the dry-sump vents. Double O rings required at each breather hose to valve cover attachment.

    Minimum 1 1/4-inch inside diameter hoses are required from each valve cover to the catch can inlets and/or frame rails and from each frame rail outlet to both catch can inlets. Minimum catch can(s) capacity is 6.75 gallons.

    Catch cans must have adequate internal baffling.

    Minimum catch can inlet configuration is two 1 1/8-inch inside diameter (or equivalent area) tubes. Minimum catch can outlet/discharge configuration is two 1 1/8-inch inside diameter openings (or equivalent area).

    NHRA accepted vent tubes/hoses are mandatory for all connections; see NHRA.com for a list of accepted vent tubes/hoses. Vent tubes must be unobstructed from the interior of the valve cover to the interior of the catch can; i.e., no orifices, reduced areas, filler materials, etc. Pan/crankcase vacuum systems, of any description, are prohibited. See General Regulations 1:13."[/QUOTE]
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2010
  7. M Tigges

    M Tigges TAFC

    Jun 11, 2003
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    Would you run a single clamp on your oil system?

    Most Tad guys we know have 5 gallons of oil or more.

  8. bryanbrown

    bryanbrown Member

    Dec 21, 2003
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    I've got a few of questions about this.

    - where to get the hose
    - anyone make a breather thats legal, i.e. double o rings, multiple locking devices?
    - We use the s.a.e. valve cover breathers that have what I would call a quick disconnect: You pull on the pin and turn, and the tube comes out. do I need to somehow make a secondary locking device?
    -The s.a.e. breather's only have one o-ring, anyone figure out how to put another one on it? There's not much room behind the oring that's on it. We could probably mill it out for another oring right behind the first one, but it would be a pain in the ass and kinda pointless, because it would be right at the back of the opening on the valve cover.
    -same goes for the double clamps on the hose. the bracket is molded to fit a single hose clamp. I guess I could weld on a piece of tube so that I can get another clamp on there.

    Anyone tackle this yet? I'd appreciate the help before I start messing with it this weekend
  9. aafa434

    aafa434 Fuelish Habit

    Aug 11, 2009
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    Breather System B/S

    That is the exact same setup I have along with a lot of other racers. That's the reason I was bitching about it above. These are standard, approved designs that have served us very well for a lot of years without a problem. The only issue that I saw that might warrant a look is the odd occasion when something might strike a hose and cut or break it. Even then, that doesn't necessarily mean that you would also have a condition that would cause oil to be passing through that hose at the time. If that was a real issue then let's go ahead and mandate a spec hose, enforce it consistently and be done with it. In Jim Collins reply, I can read between the lines and extract the unwritten policy that they aren't going to look too hard at this. That's so much more crap. If NHRA wants to be taken seriously on these issues then damn it, be consistent across the board. Anytime you make a rule, then fail to enforce it, you lessen validity of all your other rules, and many of them are in place for good reasons (can't say I agree with this current deal). A racer who interprets Collin's remarks to mean, "don't worry about it" may be able to get by for some time without any problems using the old stuff, and then at the very next venue gets popped at tech because he's not to spec. That is the result of ineffective and inconsistent enforcement of your rules. It might have been easy to live within the "rule" while they weren't enforcing it, but now that racer is loading up to go home because somebody wanted to enforce the rule at this track. That's not right.

    I don't mean to imply that Collins is wrong or not a good guy. Hell I never met him. The issue I take is with the NHRA mightier than thou culture that would promote the existence of a situation like this in the first place.

    Find an obscure but potential problem, overkill it with regulations you don't intend to enforce consistently, all the while costing many of your members perhaps thousands of dollors to comply. You think I exaggerate the reality? Then ask NHRA if they are going to issue a footnote to the new requirements that tells the tech inspectors to just pass on this one! Goliath strikes again!
  10. M Tigges

    M Tigges TAFC

    Jun 11, 2003
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    Xrp makes one with double orings (Clamshell aircraft deal) Its a nice setup, Zero leaks.

  11. bryanbrown

    bryanbrown Member

    Dec 21, 2003
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    that's a pretty nice looking piece, but would still need something added to get 2 locks
  12. kosky racing

    kosky racing Comp Eliminator

    May 11, 2003
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    Mark My breathers the black female has 2 o rings in it they are the quick disconect type. Got them from Good Vibrations about 2 years ago. On the top :cool:of the pull up pin I was able to machine a hole through the top and put in a small hair pin turned out pretty trick. Mike
  13. youngtuner

    youngtuner Member

    Mar 24, 2004
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    The clam shells are actually double clamped and on the shell actually has two locks on it. One of the best peices out there not cheap but worth it.

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